then you must avoid missing fajr and Asr prayer. According to one
hadith, Perfection means "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you
cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is
looking at you. According to other sayings of our beloved prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) in which he said that we will be able to see our real
Lord `Allah subhanahu wa tala' if we avoid missing Fajr and Asr

Please note this combination of sayings together is the keystone to see
Allah. It means that if we want to see Allah on the Day of Judgment then
we must pray Fajr and Asr prayer with full attention and devotion. The
attention and devotion in which we try to see Allah in the prayer will
actually lead us to see Allah subhanahu wa tala on the Day of Judgment.
Nobody including Prophet Muhammad and Moses (peace be upon them) has
seen Allah. So, it is impossible to see Allah in this world. However,
definitely we would see Allah on the Day of Judgment. Our prayer in the
paradise is nothing but glorification and praising to Allah and it will
be perfect in the paradise since we will be able to see Allah. Please
note people of paradise will glorify Allah morning and evening and
probably may be in the same way or timing of fajr and asr prayer (Allah
knows better). On that day Allah will not be hidden from us and we will
be able to see Allah at the time of every prayer/glorification and that
is the state of perfection of our prayer as demanded in the above
hadith(Allah knows better).

Allah subhanahu wa tala says in the glorious Quran that whosoever turns
away from His remembrance then Allah will make his life difficult for
him. Not only that, Allah will raise him up blind on the Day of
Judgment. It means all the disbelievers and those who do not pray or
forget Him will become blind on the Day of Judgment. And hence they will
not be able to see Allah on the Day of Judgment.

Moreover, if anyone withdraws himself from remembrance of Allah then
Allah will appoint for him a devil to be a close friend of him. And this
devil averts him from right path and he thinks that he is rightly

Islam is the only religion which would lead to paradise and keep us away
from hell, and the pillar on which it rests is Prayer. So, prayer is the
basic fundamental of Islam. Besides, prayer is the best form to keep
remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa tala and surrendering in the form of
prostrations and bowing down to HIM. It also includes praising and
glorifying to Allah, supplications (du'a), declaration of faith,
lessons of morals and rules and regulations for daily life through
listening Quran.

Certainly, the best thing in our life is the remembrance of Allah and a
single prostration (i.e. sajda) to Allah (in prayer) will be better than
the whole world and whatever is in it. Whenever an evil thought comes in
our mind or heart then we have to stop it by the remembrance of Allah
and the meeting with Him and the return journey to Him.

Furthermore, those who prostrate and bow down in this life they will
also be able to bow down before Allah on the Day of Judgment.

Also note that whoever is praying without attention and devotion for
them is sadness. (Refer to surah ma'un). Full attention and devotion
(khushu) is compulsory during prayer for the acknowledgement of the
prayer. Pray with calmness, solemnity and slowness. And pray in the same
way and manner of our beloved prophet Muhammad (sallal'lahu alaihi
wasallam) had prayed, otherwise your prayer will not be fully
acknowledged and in the worst scenario you may need to repeat the
prayer. Seek God's help through patience and prayer, and indeed it
is not hard for the humbly submissive (khashieen) people, those who bear
in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord, and that they
are to return to Him. Remember your prayer must stop you from shameful
and evil deeds and if you are not avoiding bad deeds then this prayer
will only bring more loss and keep you away from Allah.

There are four major advantages of prayers:

    * Hearts will get satisfaction
    * Risq(provisions) will increase

    * Able to see Allah subhanahu wa tala on the day of judgment
    * Allah banned the fire to consume the traces of prostration on the
body (i.e. the mark of the traces of prostration on foreheads)


Please refer to the following translated verses of holy Quran and sahih


    * Avoid Fajr and Asr prayer!
    * According to Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No.1.529 Narrated by Qais:
Jarir said, "We were with the Prophet and he looked at the
moon--full-moon--and said, 'Certainly you will see your Lord as you see
this moon and you will have no trouble in seeing Him. So if you can
avoid missing (through sleep or business, etc.) a prayer before the
sunrise (Fajr) and a prayer before sunset ('Asr), you must do so.' He
then recited Allah's statement: And celebrate the praises of your
Lord before The rising of the sun and before (its) setting." (50.39)
Isma'il said, "Offer those prayers and do not miss them."
    * According to holy Quran, Surah Hud( ), verse no.114: And establish
regular prayers at the two ends of the day and at the approaches of the
night: for those things that are good remove those that are evil: be
that the word of remembrance to those who remember (their Lord):
    * According to holy Quran, Surah Kahf, verse no. 28: And keep thy
soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening
seeking his Face; and let not thine eyes pass beyond them seeking the
pomp and glitter of this Life; nor obey any whose heart We have
permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us one who follows his own
desires whose case has gone beyond all bounds.
    * According to Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 1.631, Narrated by Abu
Huraira:The Prophet said, "Allah will prepare for him who goes to the
mosque (every) morning and in the afternoon (for the congregational
prayer) an honorable place in Paradise with good hospitality for (what
he has done) every morning and afternoon going.
    * Establish prayer for remembrance
    * According to holy Quran, surah Taha(20 ) verse no. 14:  Indeed I am
Allah there is no deity except me, so worship and establish prayer for
my remembrance
    * According to holy Quran, surah Taha, verse no. 14 ; "Verily I am
Allah: there is no god but I: so serve thou me (only) and establish
regular prayer for celebrating My praise.
    * Allah will raise him Blind
    * According to holy Quran, surah Taha(20)  verse no. 123-126: He
said: "Get ye down both of you all together from the Garden with enmity
one to another; but if as is sure there comes to you guidance from Me
whosoever follows My guidance will not lose his way nor fall into
misery. ---"But whosoever turns away from My Message verily for him is a
life narrowed down and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of
Judgment." ---He will say: "O my Lord! why hast thou raised me up blind
while I had sight (before)?" -----(Allah) will say: "Thus didst thou
when Our Signs came unto thee disregard them: so wilt thou this day be
disregarded." ----And thus do We recompense him who transgresses beyond
bounds and believes not in the Signs of his Lord: and the Penalty of the
Hereafter is far more grievous and more enduring.
    * Allah appoint for him a devil to be his close friend
    * According to holy Quran, Surah az-zukhruf(43) verse no. 36-37: If
anyone withdraws himself from remembrance of (Allah) Most Gracious We
appoint for him an evil one to be an intimate companion to him. Such
(evil ones) really hinder them from the Path but they think that they
are being guided aright!
    * According to holy Quran, Surah Mujadila (58), verse 19: The Evil
One has got the better of them: So he has made them lose the remembrance
of Allah.  They are the Party of the Evil One.  Truly it is the Party of
the Evil One that will perish! 5360
    * Remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing if life
    * According to holy Quran, Surah Ankabut, verse no. 45: Recite what
is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee and establish Regular Prayer:
for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of
Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the
(deeds) that ye do.
    * Hearts get satisfaction!
    * According to holy Quran, Surah Rad, verse no.  28 "Those who
believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah:
for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find
    * When evil thoughts come do not forget Allah!
    * According to holy Quran, Surah Araf, verse no. 201: Those who fear
Allah when a thought of evil from satan assaults them bring Allah to
remembrance when lo! they see (aright)! But their brethren (the evil
ones) plunge them deeper into error and never relax (their efforts).
    * Pray with attention and devotion
    * According to holy Quran, Surah Nisa, verse no.142: The Hypocrites
they think they are over-reaching Allah but He will over-reach them:
when they stand up to prayer they stand without earnestness to be seen
of men but little do they hold Allah in remembrance.
    * Offer Prayers perfectly
    * According to Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 8.12   Narrated by Abu
Aiyub Al Ansari:A man said, "O Allah's Apostle! Inform me of a deed
which will make me enter Paradise." The people said, "What is the matter
with him? What is the matter with him?" Allah's Apostle said, "He has
something to ask (what he needs greatly)." The Prophet said (to him),
"In order to enter Paradise) you should worship Allah and join none in
worship with Him. You should offer prayers perfectly, give obligatory
charity (Zakat), and keep good relations with your kith and kin." He
then said, "Leave it!" (The sub-narrator said, "It seems that the
Prophet was riding his she camel.")
    * Turns away from remembrance of Allah
    * According to holy Quran, Surah Jin, verse no. 17: "That We might
try them by that (means) but if any turns away from the remembrance of
his Lord He will cause him to undergo a severe Penalty.
    * What is perfection
    * According to sahih al-Bukhari Hadith no. 1.47: narrated by Abu
Huraira One day while the Prophet was sitting in the company of some
people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, "What is faith?" Allah's
Apostle replied, 'Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the)
meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection." Then he
further asked, "What is Islam?" Allah's Apostle replied, "To worship
Allah Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly to pay the
compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of
Ramadan."  Then he further asked, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allah's
Apostle replied, "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot
achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking
at you." Then he further asked, "When will the Hour be established?"
Allah's Apostle replied, "The answerer has no better knowledge than the
questioner. But I will inform you about its portents.
    * A single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the
whole world and whatever is in it."
    * According to Sahih Al-Bukhari,  Hadith No. 4.657, Narrated by Abu
Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is,
surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will
judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill
the pigs and there will be no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from
non-Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it,
and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the
whole world and whatever is in it." Abu Huraira added "If you wish, you
can recite (this verse of the Holy Book):   'And there is none Of the
people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him
(i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) Before his death.
And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness Against them."  (4.159)
(See Fateh Al Bari, Page 302 Vol 7)
    * Glorifying Allah in the morning and in the evening.
    * According to Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 4.468, Narrated by Abu
Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The first group (of people) who will
enter Paradise will be (glittering) like the moon when it is full. They
will not spit or blow their noses or relieve nature. Their utensils will
be of gold and their combs of gold and silver; in their centers the aloe
wood will be used, and their sweat will smell like musk. Everyone of
them will have two wives; the marrow of the bones of the wives' legs
will be seen through the flesh out of excessive beauty. They (i.e. the
people of Paradise) will neither have differences nor hatred amongst
themselves; their hearts will be as if one heart and they will be
glorifying Allah in the morning and in the evening."


Note: The above ahadiths are the true copies of ahadiths copied from the
CD alim. The text of the above verses of holy Quran , is the true copy
of the text of the translated verses made by Abdullah Yousuf Ali, copied
also from the same CD.  If found any mistake please correct and inform

Most of the above verses of holy Quran are self explanatory , however
you are requested to refer to commentary (tafseer) and check with

Corrections and suggestions are most welcome.

Note: The above commentary and headings are compiled by me which is my
understanding to those hadiths and verses of Qur'an, if you find any
word or a sentence against any Qur'anic verse or sahih hadiths then
consider my words are baseless and discard it.

Thank you

Yours brother in Islam

  Abdul Hameed khan

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