"As I have done my M. Sc (Zoology) from the University of Pune and now am 
seeking admission to Ph.D for which I was going to Pune. On September 12, 2006, 
I left home for Pune by flight (Spice Jet). Srinagar - Delhi & Delhi-Pune. On 
reaching Delhi, when I was approaching for Spice-Jet counter to collect my 
boarding pass, some seven to eight persons held me firmly and took away my 
luggage and whatever I had in my pockets. They took me to Lodhi Colony special 
cell office. where they torture and interrogated me severely. They beat me up 
ruthlessly and gave me electric shocks. Later, I came to know that they were 
from the special cell of police. Led by inspector Sharma ji"
  Letter from Tihar
A Kashmiri youth, Parveez Ahmad, narrates how police turned him from a 
gentleman to 'bomb-man' in a letter from his confinement in Tihar Central Jail, 
Delhi. Combat Law is in possession of his letter. It is being reproduced here 

Subj: Save my career, as I am innocent.
   ith due reverence and respect, I am writing this letter with the hope that I 
will get justice without delay. I want your kind attention towards the real 
fact of my arrest, interrogation and torture, which is totally different and 
contradictory to that of police's statement. All the allegations and sections 
they have charged upon me are baseless. All the confessions I have made before 
them were all under compulsions and force. As I could not tolerate the torture 
and electric shocks. I am still frightened of that treatment. Those electric 
shocks are still breaking my sleep. 
Being citizen of India I keep faith in Indian law and judiciary. And hope no 
discrimination will be done against me. Though my faith in law and being a 
citizen of India has scattered badly by the role of police. But still I have 
not left the rope of hope. To restore the faith, it is essential to give me 
justice, through fare trial, and save my career. To prove my innocence your 
goodself is requested to see my past record. Which will reveal you how clear my 
past and present is. Though I am concerned about the condition of J&K. 
Now I want your kind attention towards the following lines which will reveal 
your goodself the whole story. 
As I have done my M. Sc (Zoology) from the University of Pune and now am 
seeking admission to Ph.D for which I was going to Pune. 
   On September 12, 2006, I left home for Pune by flight (Spice Jet). Srinagar 
- Delhi & Delhi-Pune. On reaching Delhi, when I was approaching for Spice-Jet 
counter to collect my boarding pass, some seven to eight persons held me firmly 
and took away my luggage and whatever I had in my pockets. They took me to 
Lodhi Colony special cell office. where they torture and interrogated me 
severely. They beat me up ruthlessly and gave me electric shocks. Later, I came 
to know that they were from the special cell of police. Led by inspector Sharma 
   On the same day they forced me to call one of my friends to give his SIM 
card to their contact person already in Pune.   
   ON September 13, 2006, they made my I Card with the name of Iqbal and took 
me to Pune by Spice-Jet flight. On reaching Pune, one police team was already 
there but in civil dress. I can reveal all the details, their names, where they 
kept me in Pune, and how they mentally tortured me.   
   On September 14, 2006 evening after receiving few calls they took me to one 
shop in Pune and collected some 10 lakh rupees from that shopkeeper.   
   On September 15, 2006 they took me back to Delhi, and kept me again in Lodhi 
Colony Special Cell lock up where they tortured me very badly and severely. I 
was unconscious and half dead.   
   On September 16, 2006 they took me to some unknown place and kept me there 
for almost one month. I was not able to walk and move as they kept me 
handcuffed in one room. The details of that very place and persons will be 
revealed in the court. What they did with me there, will also be revealed.   
   During that duration they neither informed my parents nor took me into 
police remand or judicial custody. Instead, they forced me to lie to my parents 
that I got a job in Maharashtra.   
   After one month on October 15, 2006 they took me to hospital for medical, 
which was just a formality, as I was already instructed not to say anything 
about my ailment, torture and muscular spasm. Even doctors wrote the medical 
report without examining me. I was shocked to see the collusion between police 
and doctors. I could not understand what was going on. As I was seeing that for 
the first time in my life.   
   On the same day October 15, 2006 in the evening they took me to a lady 
magistrate for taking me into police remand. That too was a joke, as I was in 
their custody for more than one month. Before presenting me before that 
magistrate they threatened me of dire consequences If I narrated the true 
story. I was made to narrate my story their way. The story was like this. I was 
coming from Mumbai by Golden Temple express to Nizamuddin. To hand over rupees 
10 lakh and three Kg of RDX to some Tariq at Azadpur Mandi. But that Tariq did 
not come. Meanwhile police party caught hold of me. The magistrate did not ask 
me anything.   
   During my stay in their custody they compelled me to file so many (rail) 
reservation forms in my own hand writing and signature. They took away my 
attache bag. On asking where they were taking my bag, they told me that my 
final verification was being done. Soon you would be released. I got very tense 
and was confused, and smelled something fishy. I thought they would finish me 
in an encounter. So I could not sleep all those nights. If they have really 
sent any person to Delhi from Mumbai, then that was Ram Gopal who was looking 
after me in that police flat, may be a constable. That police office (Flat) is 
near an airport, as I could hear sounds of aeroplanes. One metro track is also 
nearby which I saw from one small pore of window. Through the bathroom window, 
I saw a public school in the neighbourhood. The name of that public school was 
ITL Public School, next to this police flat. In that flat the staff was 
changing every 24 hours. The staff comprised of Anil Tyagi, Ram
 Gopal, Gurmeet, Raju (Pahalwan), Mangal (Bihari), Pravesh, Pandit and others 
whose name I don't know but I can identify them. They kept me as an animal, 
handcuffed and feetcuffed tied to the iron rods of window, 24 hours. Because of 
which I was not able to make any free movement or walk in that very room. The 
only time they were releasing me when I was going to bathroom. For the whole 
month I could no see sun. In that very police flat there was one more person 
arrested (rather kidnapped) in other room. He too was forced to make calls to 
his relatives.   
   After staying few for days in that flat, I was made to cell my parents and 
saying that I was alright and got a job. One evening my parents called me up 
with weeping words that they heard news of my arrest, as somebody had informed 
them. I could not tell them that I was in police custody since the day I left 
home. I was forced to assure my parents that I was alright. I was happy. Also 
that I thanked God that atleast my parents came to know. Later police 
threatened me not to disclose news of my arrest before my parents and assured 
me of releasing before Eid. Whenever my parents were calling me I was lying to 
them that I was not getting travel reservation confirmed. They (my parents) 
were insisting on me to leave my job and come back to home. I was weeping for 
the whole day and night. I became very weak and lazy. Inspector Sharma ji told 
Anil Tyagi to provide me Quran and other books so that I would not loose my 
concentration. They were constantly assuring me of releasing
 me before Eid. But they were lying and deceiving me as well as my parents.   
   After taking me into police remand officially, they kept me at Lodhi Colony 
office for days. I was thinking perhaps they would release me now, as Deepawali 
as well as Eid were approaching after few days. But there was some thing worst 
to come. My career was going to be spoilt it and my image was going to change 
from gentleman to bombman, from student to a terrorist.           Am I not 
Indian, if I am Kashmiri. Why this discrimination. When tall claims are being 
made by the Govt. of India, by media, that before Law all citizens are equal. 
Whether of Kashmir or Kerala. ...they made me a scape-goat, to get compliments 
from their seniors and public. And public too took me as a terrorist   
   Finally the day came when my whole career was wiped. I was mentally shocked 
and astonished. On October 20, 2006, when I was watching TV in Inspector 
Badrish DuttÂ’s room, suddenly SI Vinay Tyagi told me that one press person was 
downstairs and wanted to meet me. He advised me to speak in his presence. After 
10-20 minutes, suddenly everything changed altogether. Every personnel was 
trying to catch hold of me and come close to me. I was just confused to see 
what was going on. Especially, SI Vinay Tyagi and Havaldar Satish held me 
firmly. Suddenly they opened the gate and I was just shocked to see the mob of 
more then 50 photographers. They started taking my photographs and shooting me 
for 10-15 minutes. I understood that they have now ruined my career and life. I 
looked towards inspector Sharma ji. He by his gesture posed as he had arrested 
me and presented me before media as a hard core terrorist. Now I realised fully 
what actually their plan of keeping me in their custody
 was. They actually wanted to show me before media and tell that they have 
arrested a persons (terrorist) who arrived in Delhi to explode bombs on the 
occasion of Deepawali, which is just shame upon them. How they (police) were 
befooling their public. And media was helping them in propagating such fake 
arrests. When I could not celebrate my Eid at home, with my parents, what I 
have to do with the Deepawali. After those false and baseless allegations I 
wept like a widow. Now I realised that I no more could contact my parents. As 
they (police) have turned me into a don. 
  I am still thinking why they ruined my career           My faith in Indian 
democracy and law has shattered badly and I am now very disappointed in jail on 
the role of police. I am finding no hope, then to appeal before your goodself 
to provide me fare trial and give me justice. So that I can restart my normal 
   Am I really a terrorist? When I have never ever seen how that RDX looks 
   Am I not an Indian, if I am a Kashmiri.   
   Why this discrimination. When tall claims are being made by the Govt. of 
India, by media, that before law all citizens are equal. Whether of Kashmir or 
   Why they made me a scape-goat, to get compliments from their seniors and 
public. And public too took me as a terrorist. Who had arrived in Delhi on 
Deepawali to disrupt the celebrations? Whole of the police party and the 
special cell people know very well that they arrested me on September 12, 2006 
at Delhi airport. Are they trying to prove that aeroplane authority were 
allowing to carry explosives in their flights. 
  My faith in Indian democracy and law has shattered badly and I am very 
disappointed about the role of police. I have no hope, than to appeal before 
your goodself to provide me fare trial and give me justice. So that I can 
restart my normal life with my old parents. So that my faith in law is restore. 

Jail no. 01, Ward no. 01 
Barrack no. 02 

J & K 
PIN - 193201. 
  Also read: 
  Who Would Wipe 
Professor Sanaullah Radoo's Tears?
  By Subhash Gatade

With Regards 

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