Easter calls

Sameh Fawzy, DailyStarEgypt.com - Egypt

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Last Christmas eve, I received a surprise telephone call from Mr Mohamed Mahdy 
Akef, the Supreme Guide of Muslim Brotherhood. He passed his greetings on to me 
and my family on this occasion and wished me a prosperous life.

This call and other calls I received from Islamists undoubtedly had a positive 
impact on me. I also heard that other Coptic activists and intellectuals in 
public life received similar greeting calls. It reminded me of a conversation I 
had with Dr. Rafik Habib, a prominent Coptic intellectual close to the Muslim 
Brotherhood, in which I stressed that if Islamists seriously want to assure 
Copts about their religious freedom, they must practically contribute to the 
genuine co-existence between Muslims and Christians. Actions sometimes speak 
louder than words. 

Before Easter, the newspapers reported on a "leaflet" widely circulated in some 
provinces, mainly in the governorate of Menufiya, including a fatwa (religious 
edict) calling on Muslims not to celebrate Sham El Nessim, or the spring feast, 
because they are not allowed to take part in infidels" celebrations. 

It is clear that the infidels in this context are the Christians. This leaflet 
and its warning message, presumably brokered by extremist Islamists was ignored 
by the whole society. A number of Islamic scholars and Sheikhs refuted it, 
stressing that Sham Al Nessim has no Christian roots, and more importantly they 
called on Muslims to extend their greetings to their Coptic fellows on the 
occasion of Easter. 

Egyptian television stations reported on how Muslim clerics visited churches to 
greet their Coptic neighbors. On Sham El Nessim Muslims spent the day in public 
gardens and parks, deciding not to allow anybody to steal a moment of happiness 
from them falsely in the name of Islam. 

A journalist belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood told me a few days before 
Easter not to expect any greeting calls on Easter from Islamists, especially 
his Islamic group. 

"The Muslim Brotherhood believes that Jesus Christ was born, but they don"t 
believe in His resurrection. Accordingly, its leaders find no problem in 
congratulating Copts on Christmas, but they will not contradict their own 
Islamic beliefs by extending their greetings to Copts on Easter," he said. 

To me his words meant that political Islam recognizes religious diversity from 
an Islamic perspective rather than a citizenship-based perspective. Islamists 
treat Copts well not because they see them as full-fledged citizens sharing 
Muslims’ life and sovereignty in this country, but because Islam demands the 
good treatment of those who follow different faiths. Accordingly, they greet 
Copts only on occasions which do not contradict Islamic teachings.

I often hear from Islamists that they cannot extend their greetings to 
Christians during religious celebrations like Easter because this would 
constitute a de facto confession that it is true, while according to Islam, 
Jesus was neither crucified nor resurrected. 
But I was happily surprised on Easter when I learnt for myself that the 
Islamist journalist was mistaken. I received the same lovely seasons greetings 
from Muslim friends, including Islamists from across the spectrum; whether from 
the Muslim Brotherhood or from Al-Wasat party. 

My happiness was two-fold; first because I realized that some Islamists were 
aware of the "distance" between inner faith and public life, and second because 
calls by extremist were completely ignored. 

What happened, although some people might see it as artificial, was a step 
towards reaching a modern society that respects religion, but without making 
specific beliefs a dominant factor in interfaith-relationships, even if they 
belong to the majority of the population. 

In a modern society based on citizenship, each religious community determines 
its celebrations and the whole political body witnesses, respects and 
celebrates such occasions on the basis of reciprocity. It is inconceivable in a 
multi-religious society to favor the religious perception of the majority as a 
pretext to strip the religious minority of the right to have their celebrations 
officially recognized and publicly witnessed.  

I always criticize political Islamists, but I have never thought that their 
exclusion would lead to the well-being of Egyptian society. However, political 
Islam has done little to assuage the fears of a great proportion of Christians 
and Muslims as well. Islamists, especially the Muslim Brotherhood, have to make 
a clear distinction between the dawaa (spreading the message of Islam) and the 
political process. 

Sameh Fawzyis an Egyptian journalist, PhD researcher, and specialist on 
governance and citizenship.







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