
No matter what happens there, it is incumbent upon us to cooperate and
help the local authorities, regardless of our ethnic or political
differences. These are sacred grounds and the meaning of SACRED
(Haram) means there should be no fighting or arguing upon this land.

> Al-Dahlawi, however, pointed out that low-income people, including
pilgrims, would find it difficult to get accommodation close to the
Haram after the demolitions.

There is plenty of space for the poor to sit and lay down and rest
around the Haram and the Yard outside. People should not treat these
grounds as vacation sites and unfortunately both the poor and the rich
they mistreat these grounds like a regular park.

You do not go there to relax and eat and drink, you go there to
remember Allah and Messenger.

I ask Allah to guide the Suadi authorities and the local merchants to
treat these lands with care and caress that they deserve and may Allah
reward them for their good and forgive their evil.

Dara O Shayda Khurasani

--- In, "Shahid." wrote:
> Expansion of Haram Ordered
> Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah has approved an
expansion of the Grand Mosque's northern courtyard, Prince Miteb,
minister of municipal and rural affairs. Prince Miteb said the project
would include construction of pedestrian tunnels and a service station.
> The royal approval covers expropriation of real estate on the
northern and northwestern sides of the mosque, covering an area of
300,000 square meters.
> "Special committees have begun estimating the value of real estate
in the area in order to expropriate them for the purpose," Prince
Miteb told the Saudi Press Agency. "The technical team for the
expansion will continue its work until the project is completed on
time," he added.
> Sami Al-Harbi, a businessman who owns property in Shamiya, said most
buildings in the area have been constructed in a haphazard manner.
"The areas of Shamiya and Sulaimaniya, located close to the Haram,
have not witnessed any major expansions in the past".
> Abdullah Sulaiman Al-Mushat, who owns hotels in Shamiya, said new
real estate projects would spring up in the area in order to
accommodate a growing number of Haj and Umrah pilgrims. He hoped the
government would pay generous compensation to real estate owners in
the area.
> Hani Al-Hazimi, another Saudi businessman, said expropriation of
land in the area started some time ago and that people were being
compensated generously. "Some have got more than SR100 million," he added.
> Last year, the Presidency for the Two Holy Mosques Affairs
implemented several utility and service projects at a cost of SR1.2
> Property Prices to Soar Due to Grand Mosque Expansion
> JEDDAH, 28 January 2008 — The recent announcement to expand the
north and northwestern courtyards of the Grand Mosque in Makkah is
dramatically increasing real estate prices in the central area of the
holy city with businessmen and analysts expecting prices to exceed SR1
million per square meter.
> Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah approved the new
expansion project earlier this month. The approval includes the
acquisition of land and other properties, covering an area of 300,000
square meters. Special committees have begun estimating the value of
real estate in the area and as many as 1,000 properties in the Shamiya
and Shubaika areas will be demolished as part of the expansion
project. The government has also allocated some SR6 billion to be paid
in compensation for properties. Sources said the demolition of old
buildings in the area would begin on March 9.
> The project will change the face of Makkah with many families, who
have been living in the area for several years, forced to find
accommodation in other places. Shamiya and Shubaika, next to the
massive prayer complex, are situated in one of the most expensive
pieces of real estate in the world.
> Analysts said land prices in the area would go up astronomically
after the acquisition. Al-Sharief Mansour Abu Rayash, chairman of the
Real Estate Committee at the Makkah Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
said the announcement about the expansion had already increased prices
to SR250,000 per square meter in some areas. He expects prices would
shoot up to SR1 million as a result of growing projects.
> Abu Rayash, who is on the committee for the evaluation of real
estate for acquisition, said the panel would consider the distance of
the property from the mosque. "The closer the property, the higher its
price," he said.
> Hani Al-Amri, a real estate analyst, said owners of hotels,
furnished villas and other properties in Shamiya, Marwah, Raquba and
Jabal Al-Kaaba areas would demand high prices in compensation because
of their proximity to the Grand Mosque. "This would in turn lead to
increasing prices of real estate in the area," he added. Average
annual house rent in Makkah's northern and eastern districts has
reached SR20,000 to SR25,000 and in southeastern neighborhoods SR35,000.
> Mohammed Shaker Al-Dahlawi, director of compensation at the Ministry
of Transport, said those who purchase land in the area would be able
to make a huge profit by constructing multi-story buildings.
Al-Dahlawi, however, pointed out that low-income people, including
pilgrims, would find it difficult to get accommodation close to the
Haram after the demolition of buildings in Shamiya and Shubaika.
> According to reports, the Shamiya neighborhood is more than 500
years old. Many well-known families have lived in areas close to the
holy mosque for years. They include Hashim, Tayeb, Kurdi, Jifry,
Yamani, Dahlan, Dahlawi, Zahid, Mufti, Fatani, Ghazawi, Turki, Gazzaz,
Hariri, Kattan, Basarawi, Iraqi, Abu Mansour, Ojaimi, Rushaidi, Qusti,
Shatta and Abu Al-Naja.
> Demolitions Begin to Make Room for More Worshippers
> 12 March 2008 — Demolition of property to the north and northwest of
the Grand Mosque in Makkah has begun to create more prayer space for a
growing number of pilgrims and worshippers.
> The new expansion project ordered by Custodian of the Two Holy
Mosques King Abdullah will add more than 300,000 square meters to the
existing mosque complex and help accommodate 500,000 more worshippers.
> As many as 1,000 properties in the Shamiya and Shubaika
neighborhoods will be demolished and the government has allocated SR6
billion in compensation for property owners.
> The Saudi Electricity Company and Saudi Telecom Company have
disconnected services to houses and hotels in those areas.
> The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs is supervising the
project, considered the largest expansion in the mosque's history. At
present the mosque can accommodate more than a million worshippers.
> "This is one of the largest development projects related to the
Grand Mosque and will change the face of the holy city," said Makkah
Mayor Osama Al-Bar.
> Al-Bar said pedestrian tunnels would be constructed linking the
northern areas with the mosque's new courtyard as part of the expansion.
> The project has dramatically increased real estate prices in the
central area of the holy city.
> Al-Sharief Mansour Abu Rayash, chairman of the Real Estate Committee
at the Makkah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that the
announcement of the expansion itself had resulted in prices increasing
to SR250,000 per square meter in some areas. He expects prices to
shoot up to SR1 million eventually.
> Hani Al-Amri, a real estate analyst, said owners of hotels,
furnished apartments and other properties in Shamiya, Marwah, Raquba
and Jabal Al-Kaaba areas would demand high prices in compensation
because of their proximity to the Grand Mosque. "This would in turn
lead to increasing prices of real estate in the area," he added.
> Mohammed Shaker Al-Dahlawi, director of compensation at the Ministry
of Transport, said those who purchase land in the area would be able
to make huge profits by constructing multistory buildings.
> Al-Dahlawi, however, pointed out that low-income people, including
pilgrims, would find it difficult to get accommodation close to the
Haram after the demolitions.
> The project will cover an entire area starting from Masjid Al-Haram
Street and Gazza on the east to Jabal Al-Kaaba Street and Shubaika
Graveyard on the west. It will also run through Abu Sufyan Street,
Raquba Street, Abdullah ibn Zubair Street, Jabal Hindi and Khaled ibn
Walid Street reaching Jabal Kaaba Street.

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