Assalam O Alaikum
New York Times Exposé on Immigrant Deaths in Custody
NAOMI SPENCER, wsws 07 May, 2008 01:33:00

A FRONT-page article in Monday's New York Times provides some insight into the 
barbaric treatment of immigrants held in US custody. After obtaining a 
government list through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Times 
investigated the circumstances surrounding a ...
Full story Sarkozy Under Siege
ERIC MARGOLIS 07 May, 2008 01:50:22

METZ, France - This ancient stronghold in eastern France which guards the 
traditional invasion route down the Mosel River valley is the world's most 
heavily fortified city. Ringed by belts of powerful forts built by the French 
and Germans, and ...
Full story International Aid Agencies Start Distributing Food In Cyclone-hit 
D. ARUL RAJOO 07 May, 2008 01:14:20

BANGKOK: International relief agencies have started distributing essential 
items to victims of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, with the United Nations' World 
Food Programme (WFP) taking the lead by airlifting disaster relief supplies 
from across the Asian region. Chris ...
Full story Bush Administration Moves to Exploit Burma Cyclone Disaster
JOE KAY, wsws 07 May, 2008 01:30:00

THE Bush administration lost no time in seeking to exploit the devastating 
tragedy in Burma (Myanmar). It has seized upon the cyclone that struck the 
country over the weekend, killed at least 20,000 and likely many more, to 
aggressively push ...
Full story Muslims of the World Will Resist Against Washington: Qazi
JI MEDIA 07 May, 2008 01:09:55

JAMAAT-E-ISLAMI ameer and MMA president Qazi Hussain Ahmad has stressed upon 
Ummah's unity as the biggest need of the hour saying entire Ummah must get 
united against America and declare that Washington's so called war against 
terror is actually a ...
Full story JI Directives for Black Day against MQM
JI MEDIA 07 May, 2008 01:05:21

JAMAAT-E-ISLAMI has issued directives to party leaders and workers for 
observing Black Day on May 12 to condemn MQM terrorism on peaceful opposition 
workers and lawyers during the visit of Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad 
Chaudhry to Karachi last year and ...
Full story Killing Enemies Without Trial
JACOB HORNBERGER 07 May, 2008 00:49:24

IN an editorial published last Saturday, the Washington Post celebrated the 
killing of a man in Somalia who the Post said "deserved the label of 
'evildoer.'" The man was killed when a U.S. Navy ship fired Tomahawk missiles 
at a ...
Full story Obama's Money Cartel: How Barack Obama Fronted for the Most Vicious 
Predators on Wall Street
PAM MARTENS 07 May, 2008 00:39:48

WALL Street, known variously as a barren wasteland for diversity or the last 
plantation in America, has defied courts and the Equal Employment Opportunity 
Commission (EEOC) for decades in its failure to hire blacks as stockbrokers. 
Now it's marshalling its ...
Full story "Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis 
of American Capitalism"
DEMOCRACY NOW 07 May, 2008 00:12:10

RENOWNED political analyst Kevin Phillips argues successive administrations 
have imperiled the US economy by a combination of shortsighted policies and a 
trend against regulation. These include unparalleled credit card debts, the 
expansion of financial industries such as hedge funds, ballooning ...
Full story Myanmar Death toll Hits 22,000
PRESS TV 07 May, 2008 00:00:50

MYANMAR cyclone death toll has soared above 22,000 with more than 41,000 others 
missing in the country's deadliest storm on record. The Myanmar government has 
appealed for international aid amid the rising death toll in the wake ...
Full story General Petraeus: Zionism's Military Poodle
JAMES PETRAS 07 May, 2008 00:00:00

General Petraeus: "President Ahmadinejad and other Iranian leaders promised to 
end their support for the special groups but the nefarious activities of the 
Quds Force have continued." ...
Full story Pentagon Targeted Iran for Regime Change after 9/11
GARETH PORTER 06 May, 2008 23:44:53

THREE weeks after the 9/11 terror attacks, former U.S. Defence Secretary Donald 
Rumsfeld established an official military objective of not only removing the 
Saddam Hussein regime by ...
Full story The Great Teacher and Educator of Mankind
Dr. Norlain bint Muhammad Dind 06 May, 2008 13:41:51

ISLÂM stands as the most rational and precise religion that Allâh (subhanahu Wa 
ta'ala) has given to the whole mankind. It gives importance to education, which 
is the process of teaching and acquiring or learning knowledge (which includes 
beliefs, values, ...
Full story

Jawed Anwar
Editor & Publisher



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