jahangeer_m <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

AMIR has just read and signed the petition: Remove the Illustrations 
of Muhammad from Wikipedia

You can view this petition at: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/tell-a-

Message from AMIR: 

Hi, I signed the petition "Remove the Illustrations of Muhammad from 
Wikipedia". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our 
goal of 10,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope 
you will support our efforts.

ThePetitionSite.com provides tools and empowers individuals to make a 
difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get 
connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the 
world a better place, and start your own petition at 

ThePetitionSite.com is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted 
information and action site for people who care to make a difference 
in their lives and the world. www.care2.com


Teach and talk as you learn Arabic. 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Surah 51:56
Wama Khalaqtul Jinna Wal Insa ILLa liya'a buduun.
And I (Allah) have not created the jinn and mankind except that they 
should worship Me (alone).

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