Young Egyptian couples in a hurry tie temporary knot
Concern grows over use of a secret, unrecognized 'urfi' marriage that many 
couples feel allows them to be alone and to engage in sexual activity.
By Jill Carroll | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
and Ahmed Maher | Contributor of The Christian Science Monitor
CAIRO - Khalid and Amira grew steadily closer as friends in college. Then one 
day, they sat a little too close in class. Khalid took what he saw as the next 
step: a temporary marriage.

So the two entered into a secret urfi, or temporary, marriage. Their "contract" 
allowed them, they felt, to be alone unchaperoned and to engage in sexual 
activity, given strict cultural barriers against such behavior outside of 

"In my whole life, I hadn't even kissed a girl, but I felt that I needed her," 
says Khalid, clad in shorts and knock-off Gucci shoes at a beachfront cafe in 

Millions of Egyptians - usually college students - are following suit, with 
many couples hoping it's a step toward a traditional marriage. But most such 
arrangements end within two years, according to a 2004 Cairo University report. 
And the growing frequency of such informal "marriages" - unheard of 20 years 
ago - has alarmed both government and religious officials, spawning campaigns 
to warn of its dangers particularly to women, who will carry the brunt of any 
social fallout.

"It is a misnomer to call this secret marriage urfi marriage.. If the marriage 
isn't recognized, there will be severe repercussions especially on the woman," 
says Ibrahim Negm, spokesman for Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa, the top Sunni Muslim 
religious authority in Egypt. "If the union between a man and a woman fulfills 
certain conditions and stipulations, then it is marriage. The [secretive] urfi 
marriage . does not have any legal status."

A key driver of the phenomenon is the rise in the number of young men 
postponing marriage, unable to earn enough money to move away from home, let 
along support a wife and children.

Unemployment officially stands at 10 percent, with many of those young 
graduates struggling to break into the job market. The median age of Egypt's 80 
million people is 24, and more than 30 percent of the population is under age 
15, according to the CIA world factbook.

To get married, a man must first provide a place to live, clothing, gold 
jewelry, gifts for the bride, and proof to her family that he can support a 

Temporary marriages "are recent developments because of the social upheaval and 
social problems we are going through and because marriage is getting so tough 
as far as having the means to get married and expectations, and all these 
things lead to easy solutions without undertaking responsibilities," says Dr. 

Egyptian law requires that couples register their marriage with the government. 
That allows any future disputes over divorce or inheritance, for example, to be 
dealt with in the courts.

Islam does not require that marriages be registered with the state to be seen 
as acceptable. But under Islamic law, Negm says, only a marriage that meets 
specific requirements is considered legitimate. Popular culture created the 
modern idea of urfi marriage by mixing or redefining parts of Islamic marriage 

True urfi marriage essentially means common-law marriage, says Negm, and has a 
positive connotation. While unofficiated, the marriage involves witnesses, has 
the consent of a male guardian of the virgin bride, or is publicly declared to 
meet Islamic standards.

Unlike the Shiite Muslim tradition of temporary muta marriage, which includes a 
specific end-date for the marriage, Sunni Islam does not have a "temporary 
marriage" tradition.

Some 3 million urfi marriages are registered with the notary public, although 
officials said they suspect the real number may be three times that, according 
to statistics provided by the notary public to local Egyptian media. The notary 
public would not give such statistics to an American newspaper.

Registering an urfi marriage with the notary public still maintains its secrecy 
from the couple's family. Some couples register to add a veneer of legitimacy 
to their relationship or from a mistaken belief that it gives the woman some 
rights should they be "divorced."

The number of urfi marriages annually was not available from the notary public 
to determine if it is increasing since it became more popular in the mid-1990s. 
But the number of traditional marriages has declined overall, from 592,000 in 
2000 to 506,000 in 2006, despite a youth population bubble, according to the 
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics.

A 2004 study by Cairo University and the National Population Council found that 
about a third of women expected to marry above what they would consider the 
typical age of marriage, 21. A third of men expected to marry later than what 
they view as the average age of 28. But the study questioned how widespread the 
development really was.

In the meantime, the fallout from urfi has started to show up more publicly. A 
woman discovered to have had premarital sex is generally considered 
unmarriable. The enormous shame means she faces punishment from her family and 
ostracization from society.

Dawlat Ahmed, a lawyer at the National Council for Women, provides legal advice 
to women, and her office hosts a hot line. Ms. Ahmed says it's not common for a 
woman to go to court. But paternity suits from urfi marriages, with the help of 
DNA testing, are showing up in court dockets despite the intense social stigma 
placed on women known to have had sex or a child outside of traditional 
wedlock. If the woman wins, the child has inheritance rights, and, more 
important, takes the father's name. "They are afraid of her family or his 
family," says Ahmed. "But if she has a big problem or a child, she has to go to 
the court, though mainly it's secret."

Local newspaper advice columns are full of letters from young people, like 
Khalid and Amira, in trouble because of an urfi marriage. The two were 
embarrassed after being caught kissing in the places many young people in Cairo 
go to be alone together - secluded public parks, empty Cairo Transportation 
Authority buses, and movie theaters. Khalid, who asked that their real names 
not be used, said he thought a secret urfi marriage would make the affair less 
unseemly. It didn't. After a few months, he says, "I felt very fed up and sick 
from doing this" and ended it. She later claimed he impregnated her.

"I didn't believe she was pregnant and even if she is, I can't believe it is my 
baby," he says, quietly sipping Fairouz soda. They haven't been in contact 
since. It took him two and a half years to find a job after college. His $150 
monthly salary as an accountant isn't enough to support a family. He figures it 
will take about 10 years, when he's 35, to save enough to get properly married.

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