
<<<After Prophet Muhammad's advent, (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon 
him), salvation is not possible without believing in him. >>>

That is a very wrong message to put out and a total mischaracterization of the 
Qur'an.  Please try to read the Qur'an with a reflecting mind as you read the 
verses 2:62, 5:69, 2:111-112, and 5:44-48.  There is plenty of guidance for 
everyone in the Qur'an. The Qur'an says that God has sent messengers to all 
communities.  Are we saying that communities have stopped forming after the 
Khatam an-nabiyyeen?

The Qur'an says many times that the Prophet Muhammad was a man from "among you" 
and that the Qur'an is in clear Arabic "so that you can understand" it and had 
it in some other language, you would not have understood it.  So, tell me 
"Ustaaz" how should I understand it when I do not speak Arabic nor I understand 

I am sure you do not need the verse references because you know them.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: K a r i m a
  To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World
  Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 3:16 AM
  Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Comments from a non-Muslim - Re: Teachings of 
the Qur`aan: Al-Anfaal - Aayaat 36-40

  Surain Dhanoa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Re: [DDN] Teachings of the Qur`aan: 
Al-Anfaal - Aayaat 36-40

  Dear Sir

  I am a non Muslim.I have all respect for Kuran and the Prophet Muhammed but I 
do believe that just as the Prophet brought Allah's message to the Arabs,
  there have been others who brought Allah's message to their people. The 
position is recognised in the Kuran. Imho the commentary given of the Ayat 
36-40 makes the Muslims intolerant of others.In the present global society it 
makes the position of Muslimsdifficult and it leads to their isolation in other 

  Does it not rquire a reconsideration by the Ulema?

  Surain Dhanoa Calgary Canada


  Response from Ustaadz Ayub A. Hamid

  Dear Surain,

  Thanks for expressing your concern and sharing your views .

  Yes, there were other prophets and messengers who brought message to 
different people, but they all have been superseded by last of them, Prophet 
Muhammad, (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who was sent for the 
whole mankind, not just the Arabs. After Prophet Muhammad's advent, (peace and 
blessings of Allaah be upon him), salvation is not possible without believing 
in him.  But these verses or my comments on these verses are not implying that 
non-Muslims should not be tolerated or that they should be killed. Not at all.

   Please consider the following points to understand these verses in their 
proper perspective:

  § The verses are not talking about how the Muslims should behave after the 
Messenger of Allaah has accomplished the objectives assigned to him by Allaah.

  §  The fate of those who were violently opposing the Prophet was not decided 
by the Messenger himself but mandated by the Creator, according to His way He 
had always done before the Prophet.

  § It was a specific situation mandated only for the Messenger's own mission 
and pertained only to his people and his particular locality where he was sent.

  § This was true for all messengers in the past. For example, that is why the 
people who rejected Noah were destroyed by flood; those who tried to stop Moses 
were drowned into the sea; those who tried to kill Jesus were destroyed by 
Roman invasion. That is the way of Allaah which Allaah has used consistently 
for all Messengers.

  § These verses pertain to the past.  And the past cannot be reconstructed, 
just as we cannot reconstruct the killing of the disbelievers in the cases of 
Noah, Moses, etc.

  As for the idea of reconstructing Islamic teachings in general, please 
remember that Islam is based on the commands of Allaah and His Messenger, not 
on the ideas of people or scholars. Hence,  no command of Allaah or His 
messenger can be changed or amended until the Day of Judgment. Had these verses 
been a command to Allaah to all Muslims of all times, we could not have changed 
them or "reconstructed."

  I hope these points will help you understand that there is no "intolerance" 
being taught here.  Rather, these verses describe a very specific situation 
which was true for all messengers of the past.

  Kind regards,

  Ayub A. Hamid



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