Seek knowledge Directly from Scholars:
  Senior Scholars and 
  Mashaykh of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamah   --&--  =

      Weekly Lectures - Online Intensive Courses

          On-Line Exam -AQ101-  

  Dear brothers and sisters we are pleased to announce the dates of Online exam 
for Following Course:
      Aqeedah Course: AQ101
  Al-Qawaaid Al-Arbaa
  By Imam Muhammed Ibn Abdul-Wahhab  Rahimahullaah.
  Click HERE for TEXT
  Click HERE for AUDIO
  Click HERE for Students Notes

  Date = May 30 - June 1st (All day long online test) 
  Location = 
  All registered students may take the exam.
  All those who take the exam will be awarded certificate, For more details 
please visit: Certification -Degrees
  If you have any question please visit our discussion Forums:
   Intensive Courses in Islamic Sciences > Students' Lounge >
     For schedule of upcoming LIVE lectures please visit



    Ali Ibn Abi Taalib  Educational Seminar   A Unique & Golden Opportunity TO:
  Spend your vacation in Makkah, Madinah and With Scholars...
  Details of seminars attended - in person - by More than 50 Senior Scholars, 
Mashaaykh, and professors = 
  Scholars  Attended     --- Books Covered    ---   Field Trips    ---   
Participant's Testimonies     
        All Thanks are due to Allaah, The All Mighty, Who blessed us to 
successfully organize Three  educational seminars  with senior scholars and 
Mashaaykh of Ahli Sunnah.
  Seats are going VERY FAST - Due to overwhelming respond we have added more 
seats but new seats are of higher price.
      Registration Form :   Word  PDF   
  To register please fill out the registration form and email to [EMAIL 


              OIC & Lecture Series 
  Arabic - English
Expected Scholars For This Month 

Please visit this page often for regular updates
            Fiqh Course -FQ 210- (Ad-Durrar Al-Bahiyyah) 
Shaykh Wasi-Ullaah Al-Abbas   Teacher at Grand Masjid in Makkah (Haram 
Professor at Ummul-Qura university 

    Saturday, May 24th   3:00 pm EST (New York) 
8:00 pm (London)
10:00 pm (Makkah) 
            Shaykh Aadel As-Subay'ee   Dean, College of Sunnah
Imaam Muhammed University 

    Saturday, May 31st  3:00 pm EST (New York) 
8:00 pm GMT (London)
10:00 pm (Makkah)
          Click here to submit your questions instantly


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