
I was in Saudi Arabia for one year (2006) looking for opportunities to
learn Arabic. I visited all the listed universities in your ad and
found this:

1. Umul-Qura U, where I my apt was, had a center for teaching Arabic
to foreign students and it was simply LOCKED and looked dusty and unused. 
2. I did find some Americans who were so called learning Arabic and
all ended up teaching English in Jeddah! 
3. Met number of officials in the universities and none had interest
in teaching any measure of Arabic literature to the foreigners 
4. A friend suggested to go to a local place were they taught Arabic
to the foreigners and it was nothing but a shady unprofessional ghetto
 like place with no clear list of staff and objectives
5. I made friends with some of the Americans who were so called
learning Arabic in Saudi Arabia and all I heard were cheesy business
ideas and truly misguided individuals abused by the lack of discipline
and  clear direction for the Prophetic Language. 
6. Then totally disappointed appealed to some of the high school
principals and they introduced me to some university officials. On the
phone they made it clear that they want me to learn their DOGMA or
DOCTRINE of how Islam should be implemented, for 4 years and then upon
their approval of my person, I would be allowed to study serious
Arabic under their group. 
7. I told them that I am a Kafir a disbeliever from America and would
like to PAY to learn Arabic and learn Islam through the original
Prophetic Language, while I agree to follow all the Islam rules in the
university. They denied me any help and cooperations. (obviously they
knew I was not a Kafir but...)
8. I flew to Riyadh... same story
9. Finally I made friends with some generous students at Ummul-Qura U,
we made an exchange I practiced conversational English with them and
they housed me on campus and taught me Arabic that I needed. 

I returned at the end of 2006, purchased all the grammar books
necessary for my research and may Allah forgive highly paid university
officials in Saudi Arabi for neglecting their duties. 

I must say, the Royal family, may Allah bless them, paid the
universities in FULL to teach and research not just Arabic but all
sciences, but the lazy sluggish and job-protecting university
officials denied the Royal family to see a return on their investment. 

Allahul Musta'anu Ala Ma Tasifun....


--- In, ALBaseerah Org wrote:
>   Learn Arabic Language
>   Study in Prestigious Universities -- on scholarships --
>   Makkah, Madinah, Riyadh
>   Dear OIC students, as you all know we are working very closely
with officials of universities in Saudi Arabia Alhamdulillaah many
Students were accepted while some are waiting for their acceptance
latter for upcoming semester insha Allaah.
>   We are absolutely commited to help you learn the Arabic Language
in Islamic and Arabic environment. We are constantly looking for
opportunities to help students get accepted in most prestegious
>   If you have a strong desire to learn Arabic Languge and wish to
study in Islamic Universities (Makkah, Madinah, Riyadh) then we will
do our best to help you get  accepted insha Allaah.
>   This is a FREE service to serve Islaam and Muslims and is open to
all Muslims throught the world, may Allaah accept it from us.
>   To apply  please email the Application to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Application can be found at :
>         - Schedule-
>   Weekly Lectures - OIC-- Online Intensive Courses
>           On-Line Exam -AQ101-  Click here 
>   Aqeedah Course: AQ101
>   Al-Qawaaid Al-Arbaa
>   By Imam Muhammed Ibn Abdul-Wahhab  Rahimahullaah.
>   Click HERE for TEXT
>   Click HERE for AUDIO
>   Click HERE for Students Notes
>   Date = May 30 - June 1st (All day long online test) 
>   Location =  Ready to take exam ? Please click HERE 
>   Questions=  For ongoing discussion about exam please click HERE
>   All qualified participants will be awarded certificate, For more
details please visit: Certification -Degrees  
>   If you have any question please visit our discussion Forums:
>    Intensive Courses in Islamic Sciences > Students' Lounge >
>      For schedule of upcoming LIVE lectures please visit
>     Ali Ibn Abi Taalib  Educational Seminar   A Unique & Golden
Opportunity TO:
>   Spend your vacation in Makkah, Madinah and With Scholars...
>   Details of seminars attended - in person - by More than 50 Senior
Scholars, Mashaaykh, and professors = 
>   Scholars  Attended     --- Books Covered    ---   Field Trips   
---   Participant's Testimonies     
>         All Thanks are due to Allaah, The All Mighty, Who blessed us
to successfully organize Three  educational seminars  with senior
scholars and Mashaaykh of Ahli Sunnah.
>   Seats are going VERY FAST - Due to overwhelming respond we have
added more seats but new seats are of higher price.
>       Registration Form :   Word  PDF   
>   To register please fill out the registration form and email to

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