Salaam  and thank you for this post.

In specific the agreements with the disbelievers are those visa and
immigration/naturalization all of us have signed with the western
countries we have immigrated to.

Most Muslims have not read what they signed when they accepted the
permanent residencies and citizenships of countries like US.

In most those agreement the signer has agreed to abide by all the laws
of that country + not to take part in any activity against that
country + to defend the country against aggressors.

According to these verses and the Tafsir, if you have acquired e.g.
the green card of USA or their citizenship and you see that they are
cruelly killing the Muslims overseas in thousands, and if you are to
understand this as a clear violation of the agreement you had with
them when you became a resident or citizen, you must RETURN YOUR GREEN
CARD OR REVOKE YOUR CITIZENSHIP and seek another country where they
are not killing Muslims:

4:97 When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their
souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and
oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of Allah
spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men
will find their abode in Hell,- What an evil refuge!

39:10 Say: "O ye my servants who believe! Fear your Lord, good is (the
reward) for those who do good in this world. Spacious is Allah's
earth! those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward
without measure!"

Yes this return of your papers after a lifetime of living in such
country is painful and full of loss, but when the angels take your
soul you are not ZAALIMI ANFUSIHIM those living in sins against
themselves, thus one sure path to the Fire blocked for you.

There are gangsters amongst us in the western countries who encourage
our beloved children to take part in illegal activities against the
very nations who granted us immigration. This is evil and un-befitting
the character of a Muslim:

4:135 O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to
Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and
whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both.
Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye
distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-
acquainted with all that ye do.

Let's stand firm on the side of justice and in these dark days that
very justice is FOR SURE against our own persons, against our parents,
against our immediate families, against the poor of us and the rich
us, for the evil is wide spread on this planet amongst all people.

It is befitting the Muslim to be poor and homeless and mocked by
people than to both eat from the unlawful (Haram) and busy himself
with criminal activities in a nation that gave him a refuge and a home
for his family.

Faqir (Pauper),

Dara O Shayda

--- In, "K a r i m a" wrote:
>             B i s m i l l a a h i r   R a h m a a n i r   R a h e e m
>                         Teachings of the Qur`aan
>                         Al-Anfaal
>                         Soorah 8
>                         Soorah 50-58
>                         Ayub A. Hamid
>                   ___________________________________
>                   Death in the battlefield was not the only
consequence that the Makkans faced. There was much more trouble
waiting for them for their disbelief and rebellion against Allaah
Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala.
>                   50 If you could only see when the angels took the
souls of those who disbelieved, striking their faces and their backs,
and saying, "Taste the punishment of burning. 51 This is for what your
own hands have sent on ahead; and the reality is that Allaah is never
even a bit unjust to His slaves."
>                   When the Makkans were dying in the battlefield,
the angels of death took their souls out of their body harshly and
painfully, while striking them as well. In addition, they also gave
them the news of how they will burn in Hell. Although the treatment
they received and the punishment prepared for them may sound harsh,
their crimes were equally heinous. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala's
justice is perfect and the punishment exactly equals the crime,
without being even a tiny bit unfair.
>                   It was not the Makkans only who were being treated
that way. Every community that rejected and opposed a messenger of
Allaah was treated in that manner.
>                   52 This is just like what happened to the people
of Fir'own (Pharaoh) and to those before them: they disbelieved in
Allaah's Signs, so Allaah seized them for their sins. Surely Allaah is
Strong, Severe in punishing.
>                   Before destroying a nation, Allaah Subhaanahu wa
Ta'aala brings his token punishment as a warning to them and gives
them a chance to repent and reform. Just as the Egyptians faced many
warning punishments before they were destroyed by drowning in the sea,
defeat at the battle of Badr was a warning from Allaah Subhaanahu wa
Ta'aala to the Quraish of Makkah so that they could learn a lesson
from it and embrace Islam as their way and mission in life.
>                   Another aspect of this Sunnah of Allaah is that He
grants status, power and prosperity to the nations and communities who
deserve them because of their superiority in morals and character.
They continue to enjoy these favours of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala
as long as they maintain their qualities. If they lose those qualities
and superiority, Allaah sends them a messenger to give them a chance
to reform themselves. If they reject the messenger, they are given an
initial punishment as a warning. If they still do not reform, they
lose all those favours of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala and the
disbelievers from them are completely destroyed. This Sunnah is
mentioned in the next verse.
>                   53 This is because it is Allaah's Sunnah (way)
that He does not change the grace which He has conferred upon a people
until they change their own condition; and because Allaah is Hearing,
Knowing. 54 This again is just like what happened to the people of
Fir'own (Pharaoh) and to those before them: they rejected the Signs of
their Lord, so We destroyed them for their sins and We drowned
Fir'own's people; and they were all wrong-doers.
>                   The Quraish of Makkah were granted respect,
leadership, peace and prosperity in Arabia because of their role as
the custodians of Allaah's House. This verse reminded them that if
they did not reform themselves, they would lose the favours of Allaah
Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala that they had so far enjoyed and would be
finally destroyed as were other people like the Egyptians before them.
>                   The next three verses give instructions about
dealing with those who had entered into treaties with the Prophet sall
Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam but were violating the terms of their
treaties. This was particularly true about the Jews of Madeenah with
whom the Prophet sall Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam had entered into a
treaty of good relations, mutual help and cooperation. Although the
Muslims were fulfilling their part of the deal, the Jews continued to
violate the treaty in different ways. They would work with the
hypocrites to create problems for the Islamic mission; using the old
hostilities between Aows and Khazraj, they would try to cause
fights/discord among them; and they would incite the Quraish of Makkah
to attack the Muslims, as discussed under verse 48. After the battle
of Badr, their jealousy increased in its intensity and they started
plotting against the Muslims making mischief against them more
aggressively despite the existence of the treaty.
>                   55 Verily, the worst of animals in Allaah's sight
are those who have disbelieved and are unwilling to believe. 56 They
are those with whom you made a treaty and they continue breaking it at
every instant and do not fear the consequences. 57 Should you
encounter them in war, defeat them so severely that it frightens off
even those behind them so that they may learn a lesson. 58 And if you
fear treachery on the part of a people, then throw the treaty back to
them in equal terms; surely Allaah does not like traitors.
>                   Muslims can rescind a treaty only if the other
party clearly violates its provisions. In that case, they are allowed
to throw the treaty back at the violators and take action against them
but only to the extent of their violation. "Throwing back" implies
that the Muslims should notify the violators that the treaty has been
rendered void because of their violation. If the violators attack or
participate in a battle against the Muslims, then the Muslims should
teach them such a lesson in the battlefield that any other faction
considering violation of a treaty is discouraged from taking such a
deceitful step.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>                   Copyright © 2008 Ayub A. Hamid
>                   All rights reserved
>                   This document may be used, only with this
copyright notice included. Permission is granted to circulate among
private individuals and groups, to post on internet forums, and
include in not-for-profit publications subject to the following
conditions: (1) Material used must be produced faithfully in full,
without alteration or omission; (2) The author's subject title must
remain unchanged, in whole or in part; (3) Material must be attributed
to the author Ustaadz Ayub A. Hamid. Contact the author for all other
rights, which are reserved.
>                   Note: This series is providing the teachings of
the Qur'aan, not a literal translation. Instead of  literal
translation, it gives interpretive meanings of the verses, along with
their contextual details. Please remember that any translation of the
Holy Qur'aan is in fact only an expression of the translator's
understanding of  the Word of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala, and hence
cannot be equated with the Qur'aan itself.  Only the original Arabic
text can be called the Holy Qur'aan.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>                   Ustaadz Ayub A. Hamid is a visionary and strategic
Islamic thinker residing in Canada for the last 32 years. His recently
published books are:
>                   1.   Islam - Does It Make Sense?
>                   2.   Unveiling the Commands-The Truth about
Hijaab, Khimaar and Jilbaab.
>                   3.   Finding A Soulmate - A Guide for Parents and
>                   4.   A Book Unlike Any Other.
>                   5.   Islam - Adopting Its Paradigms.
>                   6.   Exploring the Islamic Beliefs.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
>                   The following soowar 'Teachings of the Qur'aan'
series by Ustaadz Ayub A. Hamid, are available on request:-
>                   Al Faatihah
>                   Al Baqarah
>                   Aali 'Imraan
>                   A Nisaa'
>                   Al Maaidah
>                   Al An'aam
>                   Al A'raaf
>                   Al Anfaal: Name, Background and Topics/The Battle
of Badr/What Caused The Battle of
>                                     K a r i m a

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