Battle of Palashy And Capture Of Bengal : Beginning of Colonial Occupation Of 
The World


In Bangladesh many organizations  have observed Monday the 23rd day of June ,  
as Palashy Day, the day in which the English forces commanded by Clive defeated 
Sirajuddowla, the independent ruler of Bengal., in the field of Palashy ,now in 
west Bengal of India .There was no real fighting as the commander-in- chief of 
the army of Sirajuddowla , Mir Zafar Ali Khan , was already won over by bribing 
 and the army did not act .The British came for trading but gradually made 
fortifications and  raised armed forces and made plan to take over political 
power.The battle in 1757 was the beginning of taking over Bengal, then India by 
the Brutishers , first in the name of company then directly.Later the western 
powers colinised almost the whole of Asia, Africa ,Latin America and Australia

History has proved it that this was done for basically plundering of the rest 
of the world by the European powers of that time.. It was indeed perfidy and 
immorality of the highest order.

Sirajuddowla was a young man but he was betrayed by a part of the then business 
interest, military generals and officials of his government. It is strange that 
moral standard of a part of Bengal  elite at that time was so low. This 
requires a separate study why it was so. Even now the people in the 
sub-continent are suspicious about foreign companies as they may  try to take 
power in weaker countries in a covered manner .


. The British historians and their admirers made false stories about the 
ineptness and character of Siraj.All later studies have shown that it was 
nothing but character assassination of Siraj as is the general habit of the 
victors to malign the losers.

Siraj is a symbol of resistence against colonialists .Though the day has been 
observed in many places with due spirit we have been dismayed by almost 
blackout of its news a number of well-known dailies. Only a few newspapers have 
covered it properly. This is bad and motivated journalism. What is the purpose 
of not properly presenting or blacking  out this event. It is nothing except 
political motivation. Those who love independence of Bangladesh can not 

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