                                              FOR PUBLICATION

                                    MUSLIMS PLEASE HELP US TO STOP MORE KILLING 
OF THE UNBORN CHILDREN! On Monday 14th July, the Embryo bill with amendments 
will be debated in the Parliament.Unfortunately these amendments will increase 
the killing of the innocent unborn children through the barbaric procedure of 
abortion. Already about 600 unborn babies are killed in Britain every day by 
The inhumane immoral recommendations are:

To allow abortions to be done with the signature of only one doctor instead of 
two as is required now.
To allow nurses and midwives to do abortions, when they are not medically 
qualified to deal with emergencies that could arise during an abortion.

They also want to take out the conscience clause, which allows doctors to opt 
out of doing abortions or any other unethical or immoral medical procedure.This 
is unfair, undemocratic and is an oppressive interference with our basic 
religious beliefs and human rights! Surely this should be opposed by every 
British citizen. We appeal to every Muslim man and woman to do their Islamic, 
humane duty in order to stop this growing madness in our Parliament.Please 
write quickly to your member of the parliament (MP) and ask him or her to stop 
these or any other pro-abortion amendment to the embryo/abortion bill. To get 
the details about your Member of the Parliament (MP), please go to this 
website: Dr A. Majid Katme Spokesman: Islamic Medical 

Tel: 07944 240 622

Address: 31 North Circular Road   Palmers Green  London N13 5EG
E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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