
Hygiene and good smell



The Prophet (peace be upon him) regularly used perfumes and he liked every
pleasant smell, but he preferred distinctive ones when he could find them.
Indeed, when he mentioned the two things he liked best in this present life
were perfumes and women, emphasizing always the need to treat women kindly,
particularly in a social environment in which he grew up when women were
generally ill-treated. One of his wives, Ramlah, used to give him a special
perfume she brought with her on her return from Abyssinia. He was very
pleased with that because it had a very pleasant and distinctive smell. Lady
Ayesha reports that she used to give the Prophet his perfume on special
occasions. When he spent several days in the mosque, dedicating himself to
worship, during Ramadan, he would at times let his wife Ayesha comb his
hair. She would be in her home, which was adjacent to the mosque, and he
would be inside the mosque, but next to his door.

The Prophet did not like to eat onions and garlic, because of the mouth
smell they give. He said to his companions that anyone who ate these should
not come to the mosque soon afterward. They thought that he would prohibit
them, but he emphasized that as a servant of God, he had no authority to
prohibit anything. This authority belongs to God alone.

Two of his wives tried to play a trick on a third one who gave him a type of
honey he liked. They wanted to deprive her of the pleasure of giving the
Prophet something that pleased him. As he went to see them, each commented
that he smelled of a certain type of food, which gave a bad smell. He told
them that he only had some honey. They said that the bees must have fed on
that food. He decided not to eat of that honey again. This was a totally
unnecessary step, because what he ate was perfectly lawful, and he liked it.
Besides, the point about its bad smell was not true.

The Prophet took care of his personal hygiene, washing and cleaning every
part of his body whenever this was needed. He washed his hands before and
after meals. He would rinse his mouth after eating. He taught his companions
to rinse their mouths after drinking milk, so that they would remove the
traces of cream that milk left. Needless to say, the milk they drank
contained all its cream, as they did not have the facilities to skim it.
Indeed, they could not leave the milk long so that the cream would form a
layer on the surface, because in their hot climate, milk would go bad if
left for a few hours. Moreover, the Prophet encouraged us to take a shower
whenever we could. He said that it was a duty owed to God by everyone to
wash one's head and body at least once a week. This was in an area where
water was scarce. Now that most of us enjoy having plenty of water, more
frequent showers are much encouraged.

– *By **Adil Salahi*

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