only the uniforms ,  differ.......!!
Some French-politicians have expressed their dismay
and objection about the presence of President al Assad in Paris
recently during the Conference and the Parade of 14Th July.
I must accept their opinion,
first because of Freedom of opinions 
and secondly  , because I am not the owner of Paris.
But I wounder if those human-rights-activists
would have looked closely at the Presidential Tribune.
to see that President Assad was not the only "dictator" attending.
He was the youngest one ,
thus others would have done more naughty things in their lives
..........n'est ce pas ?? mon cher ami.
But there was also a chosen-Tyrant  (or the chosen- human-rights-abuser)
and he was not  disturbing those same French-democracy-lovers.
Not only he was the chosen-guest.....
he was the holder of 
the longest wall
the longest siege
the longest ethnic-cleansing
the longest expansion
the longest aggression
and longest occupation.
Funny !!
how could they have missed noticing him ???
were all, human-rights-activists, so short-sighted ??
or simply one-side-sighted ??
Sherlock Hommos
observateur des observations obscenes
observer of the obscene observations
17 July 2008

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