Assalam  mualaikum,
Dear  Bros and  Sis,
Can  you   please  let  me  know  how  to  get  in  touch  with  this  group?
I  cannot  "Click"  on  the  word  schedule (which  is  suppposed  to  be  on  
the  right  side of the  page)as  it  is NOT  to  be  found!
Please  help  me.
Sister Nur

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 23:13:19 +0000Subject: Bismillah 
[IslamCity] Please visit IQRA-Quran Study 
Circle for Sisters





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IQRA - Quraan study circle for sisters on Paltalk

July 4, 2008 at 8:26 am (Uncategorized) 

Assalamu ‘alaykum,
alhamdulilaahi Rabbi al’aalameen (All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the 
We have a set schedule, please visit the page “SCHEDULE” on the right.
Fi amanilah,wasalaam

P.s.: Do not forget, du’aa is for free!
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June 29, 2008 at 10:46 pm (Uncategorized) (Add new tag) 

 Assalamu ‘ alaykum,
Welcome to this webpage made to inform sisters who are interested in learning 
the recitation of the Quraan and/or learning the basics of the Arabic language.

Muslim paltalk members have opened a voiceroom on Paltalk, providing a safe and 
comfortable environment for Muslim sisters only, to learn recitation of the 
The room has just opened, please be patient with us, and make du’a 
(supplication) that Allah may purify our intentions, and make this beneficial. 
See this link for the rooms page (copy and paste in your broswer) ->
For more information about the classes, the rules, how to join Paltalk and 
more, check out the “pages”  on this page on the right.
Updates, and more info coming soon!

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