Fanatics control thousands of US nukes: JI
        LAHORE, Jul 25: Jamaat-e-Islami secretary general Syed Munawar Hasan 
has said that America is the biggest terrorist state in the world whose 
thousands of nuclear and chemical weapons are in the hands of fanatics and 
being continuously used against the humanity.

      He was delivering Friday sermon at Mansoorah, says a press release by JI 
Media Cell. Munawar Hasan wondered why a hue and cry about Pakistan's nuclear 
program is being raised in the world, whereas the real threat to the world 
security and peace is the USA. He said thousands of American nuclear, chemical 
and biological weapons are in the control of unsafe hands, and America is the 
only country which used nuclear bombs against the innocent civilians killing 
millions of Japanese by dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He 
said still there are children being born in those cities suffer from the deadly 
affects of those bombs dropped fifty years ago.

      Munawar said America has always worked against the humanity in every turn 
of history. He said despite that UN had banned chemical weapons but America is 
using them committing genocide of innocent Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq.

      Munawar said Pakistani rulers are acting as slaves of Washington and the 
only country created in the name of Islam is being used against Muslims of the 
world. He said now our newly elected prime minister is going to Washington to 
renew his loyalties and submissiveness to George Bush, and a large delegation 
of sightseers accompanying him will enjoy luxuries of seven star hotels at the 
expense of hard earned money of a nation deprived of Roti, Kapra Aur Makan.

      Munawar said our Foreign Minister is acting as a Yes man of Washington, 
while our Trade Minister has launched Indian Trade Policy in Pakistan. He 
remarked that India is a lucky nation having her own trade minister in Pakistan 
to take care of her commercial interests in a supposedly hostile country. He, 
however, said Pakistan is an unlucky nation whose ministers watch American and 
Indian interests despite enjoying perks, privileges and protocol at the expense 
of public taxes.

      Munawar said it is height of cruelty that those raising slogans of Roti, 
Kapra Aur Makan have snatched every grain from the mouth of the poor masses, 
and every section of society is either on strike or staging protests against 
the so-called 'Awami' rulers.

      He said JI has launched its mass contact movement and its annual 
convention in October in Lahore will bring a new hope for change in the country.

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