Successful response to the modern-day crusaders

Brothers and sisters,
Many of us are right in understanding the Euro-American crusade 
against Muslims. But is he willing to do something about it? Can he 
take part in filing criminal charges against the inquisitors / 
torturers; the criminals who perpetrated genocides in Hiroshima & 
Nagasaki, in Vietnam, in Iraq or even initiating another 
international court for their trial? Can he initiate a campaign 
against homosexuality as a suicide for human race or for death-
penalty for murderers as justice for the victim or for respecting 
those women to choose a home-based lifestyle?
Since the first Crusade under Pope Urban II declared at the Council 
of Clermont in 1095 to the present NATO led global regime, the 
European-led-Christian world has been waging war against Islam either 
through open warfare, diplomacy or deceit and lies. Everybody except 
fools know it. Everybody saw what can of savages they were then as 
now in Guantanamo bay and others? But the question is what have the 
Muslims done about it? The fact is that since the first crusades till 
date Muslim rulers and religious leaders have not united in this war 
against those who are out destroy Islam whereas the Christians are 
united. In the first crusades Muslims got defeated because they did 
not support each other, particularly the rulers and the ulema just as 
they are now in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran against NATO / 
EU / UNSC / Allied forces ( whatever the name it is the same old 
The formula for success is the same as ever : support each other 
against the common enemy. They are enemies because the European-led 
forces ( America is essentially Europeans since they are settlers 
from there) choose to impose their culture and attack other countries 
and cultures. So the minimum is to agree that the invaders are the 
enemies. But if Muslim rulers and ulema cannot agree even to this 
then where does the question of victory arise? See what OIC members 
were doing when Iraq was invaded? Some of them helped the invaders to 
attack Iraq from their soil!!
Everybody including the Europeans themselves need to agree for their 
own good that their global rule is harmful. History is witness that 
when they are rulers they are unable to co-exist with other cultures 
and the environment because  greed, lies, inquisition/torture and 
force is their way of government. Only under Islam and Muslims have 
all cultures enjoyed autonomy. Compare the lives of Spanish people 
under Islam and under Christianity or the life of Muslims in Europe 
now where they are not allowed to wear their dress as just two 
examples. They cannot tolerate other cultures because they lack 
confidence in their way of life whereas Muslims are confident of 
truth of their religion and so they  believe that sooner or later all 
sincere people join Islam.
But the rulers of the global regime will never be able to acknowledge 
the truth unless their military superiority is removed. How can any 
fool see the truth when they are rulers; even less so if their 
parents and grandparents have been winning wars for the last 500 
years and expect their offspring to continue to rule the world? How 
can taking alcohol, dancing  & enjoying with the opposite sex and 
gambling can be a better of life than those who prepare for the 
eternal life, spend time with their families, serve the poor and help 
the weak? Even more fools are those of us who are defeated militarily 
and politically and appeal for their mercy while declaring our way of 
life is better than their way of life. If Muslim rulers and religious 
leaders resort to bribes and collaboration with the enemy to enjoy 
wealth and power then how can you expect respect from the anyone much 
less from the conquerors? And if anyone claims that Allah is on their 
side then my question is why Allah has abandoned them for the the 
last five hundred years? The enemies of Muslims has been attacking 
and destroying wherever and whenever they want around the world; we 
have been running or fighting the guerrilla way. It is time to accept 
that effectively the enemy of Muslims and enemy of mankind and enemy 
of creation and enemy of God are the rulers of the world now.
It is not impossible to save the world. Anytime the support of God 
comes to Muslims it will be okay. But what kind of Muslims we are 
talking about? We are talking about Muslims who love to explore and 
discover; who love to declare the truth, who love to fight for the 
oppressed, who speaks out against unjust rulers, who love to make 
better things and provide service and above all who prefer the life 
of the aakhirat over the present life. We cannot expect much from 
Muslims who accept to whatever their unelected self-style rulers do, 
who try to keep unwilling people in Islam through the threat of death-
penalty while trying to convert others, who are afraid to discuss the 
facts of history, who are ready to accept falsehoods / half-truths in 
the name of Islam, who love consuming products and services but do 
not bother to make any better things and who love to suppress Muslim 
men and Muslim women from expressing themselves.
As for immediate measures, Iran can be defended simply by the OIC 
declaring a military alliance among its members like they do in NATO 
and initiating a government-led jihad as the US did in Afghanistan 
against USSR. Poverty can be eliminated by initiating a global regime 
of common currency, visa-free movement of people around the world, 
education and health-care for all, jobs for job-seekers and 
Zakat/sadaqah support for those who cannot work. Sudan can free 
itself from the manipulations of its enemies if its rulers decide to 
hand over power to new elected fellow Sudanis and equitable sharing 
of resources among its people. Muslim countries can achieve military 
equality or sometimes superiority by investing in research and 
development of better weapons instead of begging for weapons from 
their enemies. Any threat to stop R&D can be met by collective action 
of OIC/ or some such alliance. Violent rebellions can be avoided by 
changing the leadership in short-term. The world needs Muslims who 
can think freely and act freely; not those who advocate blind belief 
and un-critical defence of every tradition which the prophet did not 
asks us to continue. The prophet and his companinions welcomed 
criticism in anything that God has not commanded!!! Compare with the 
religious leaders under the dead weight of self-styled traditions.
Abdulhalim bin Naziruddin al-Phoondrei-mayum Santhelvi
Brothers and sisters,
Many of us are right in understanding the Euro-American crusade 
against Muslims. But is he willing to do something about it? Can he 
take part in filing criminal charges against the inquisitors / 
torturers; the criminals who perpetrated genocides in Hiroshima & 
Nagasaki, in Vietnam, in Iraq or even initiating another 
international court for their trial? Can he initiate a campaign 
against homosexuality as a suicide for human race or for death-
penalty for murderers as justice for the victim or for respecting 
those women to choose a home-based lifestyle?
Since the first Crusade under Pope Urban II declared at the Council 
of Clermont in 1095 to the present NATO led global regime, the 
European-led-Christian world has been waging war against Islam either 
through open warfare, diplomacy or deceit and lies. Everybody except 
fools know it. Everybody saw what can of savages they were then as 
now in Guantanamo bay and others? But the question is what have the 
Muslims done about it? The fact is that since the first crusades till 
date Muslim rulers and religious leaders have not united in this war 
against those who are out destroy Islam whereas the Christians are 
united. In the first crusades Muslims got defeated because they did 
not support each other, particularly the rulers and the ulema just as 
they are now in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran against NATO / 
EU / UNSC / Allied forces ( whatever the name it is the same old 
The formula for success is the same as ever : support each other 
against the common enemy. They are enemies because the European-led 
forces ( America is essentially Europeans since they are settlers 
from there) choose to impose their culture and attack other countries 
and cultures. So the minimum is to agree that the invaders are the 
enemies. But if Muslim rulers and ulema cannot agree even to this 
then where does the question of victory arise? See what OIC members 
were doing when Iraq was invaded? Some of them helped the invaders to 
attack Iraq from their soil!!
Everybody including the Europeans themselves need to agree for their 
own good that their global rule is harmful. History is witness that 
when they are rulers they are unable to co-exist with other cultures 
and the environment because  greed, lies, inquisition/torture and 
force is their way of government. Only under Islam and Muslims have 
all cultures enjoyed autonomy. Compare the lives of Spanish people 
under Islam and under Christianity or the life of Muslims in Europe 
now where they are not allowed to wear their dress as just two 
examples. They cannot tolerate other cultures because they lack 
confidence in their way of life whereas Muslims are confident of 
truth of their religion and so they  believe that sooner or later all 
sincere people join Islam.
But the rulers of the global regime will never be able to acknowledge 
the truth unless their military superiority is removed. How can any 
fool see the truth when they are rulers; even less so if their 
parents and grandparents have been winning wars for the last 500 
years and expect their offspring to continue to rule the world? How 
can taking alcohol, dancing  & enjoying with the opposite sex and 
gambling can be a better of life than those who prepare for the 
eternal life, spend time with their families, serve the poor and help 
the weak? Even more fools are those of us who are defeated militarily 
and politically and appeal for their mercy while declaring our way of 
life is better than their way of life. If Muslim rulers and religious 
leaders resort to bribes and collaboration with the enemy to enjoy 
wealth and power then how can you expect respect from the anyone much 
less from the conquerors? And if anyone claims that Allah is on their 
side then my question is why Allah has abandoned them for the the 
last five hundred years? The enemies of Muslims has been attacking 
and destroying wherever and whenever they want around the world; we 
have been running or fighting the guerrilla way. It is time to accept 
that effectively the enemy of Muslims and enemy of mankind and enemy 
of creation and enemy of God are the rulers of the world now.
It is not impossible to save the world. Anytime the support of God 
comes to Muslims it will be okay. But what kind of Muslims we are 
talking about? We are talking about Muslims who love to explore and 
discover; who love to declare the truth, who love to fight for the 
oppressed, who speaks out against unjust rulers, who love to make 
better things and provide service and above all who prefer the life 
of the aakhirat over the present life. We cannot expect much from 
Muslims who accept to whatever their unelected self-style rulers do, 
who try to keep unwilling people in Islam through the threat of death-
penalty while trying to convert others, who are afraid to discuss the 
facts of history, who are ready to accept falsehoods / half-truths in 
the name of Islam, who love consuming products and services but do 
not bother to make any better things and who love to suppress Muslim 
men and Muslim women from expressing themselves.
As for immediate measures, Iran can be defended simply by the OIC 
declaring a military alliance among its members like they do in NATO 
and initiating a government-led jihad as the US did in Afghanistan 
against USSR. Poverty can be eliminated by initiating a global regime 
of common currency, visa-free movement of people around the world, 
education and health-care for all, jobs for job-seekers and 
Zakat/sadaqah support for those who cannot work. Sudan can free 
itself from the manipulations of its enemies if its rulers decide to 
hand over power to new elected fellow Sudanis and equitable sharing 
of resources among its people. Muslim countries can achieve military 
equality or sometimes superiority by investing in research and 
development of better weapons instead of begging for weapons from 
their enemies. Any threat to stop R&D can be met by collective action 
of OIC/ or some such alliance. Violent rebellions can be avoided by 
changing the leadership in short-term. The world needs Muslims who 
can think freely and act freely; not those who advocate blind belief 
and un-critical defence of every tradition which the prophet did not 
asks us to continue. The prophet and his companinions welcomed 
criticism in anything that God has not commanded!!! Compare with the 
religious leaders under the dead weight of self-styled traditions.
Abdulhalim bin Naziruddin al-Phoondrei-mayum Santhelvi

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