Al-Islam Holidays Gift for Kids…1
  Kids are probably counting down the days until summer vacation.  Make sure 
this summer vacation will be different from the past years by 
increasing/updating Religious knowledge instead of relaxing or enthusiastically 
  This new services is brought to you with the object to educate/update our 
young generation in the true teachings of ISLAM.
  Golden Time to increase your Kids Religious Knowledge with a little effort 
without MONEY & TIME
  Spare 5 minutes a day
  Go to the website or ask for the book
  Take the printout of the respective book
  Give to your kids
  Ask next day, key points of the book  Continue this practice till 30 days  
Insha Allah You will find a significant improvement in your kid/kids
  Can you spare 5 minutes for your kid’s religious knowledge?
  Fill your kids holiday season with opportunities for learning by reading.
  Our varity of services covers Basics of Islam, Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) 
biography, Prophets of Allah, Companions of Prophets, Great Heroes etc.,
  Suggested Reading Books… Start from TODAY à
  Towards Understanding ISLAM
  Fundamentals of ISLAM Vol. 1
  Fundamentals of ISLAM Vol. 2
  Quranic Stories
  Stories of Messengers
  Prophet Adam (A.S)
  Prophet Noha (A.S)
  Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)
  Prophet Eisa (A.S)
  Prophet Mousa (A.S)
  Prophet Ismaeel (A.S)
  Devoted Companions Vol 1
  Devoted Companions Vol 2
  Golden Nickels
  Model Stories Vol. 1
  Model Stories Vol. 2
  Great Mothers
  Jabir Ibn Haiyan (Geber) - Chemistry (Father of Chemistry)
  Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahravi (Albucasis) - Father of Modern Surgery
  Al-Khwarizmi (Algorizm)
  Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
  The Nation Rise & Fall
  The Road to Peace & Salvation


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