Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
            August 8, 2008

            The following progress report will appear in the upcoming 6th issue 
of Al-Awda's Until Return Newsletter

            Palestine Library Progress Report
            by Alan Santistevan, Al-Awda Media Center Administrative Assistant

            What is the Palestine Library and what are its goals?

            The Palestine Library will be a place where information on 
            history and the Palestinian struggle to regain their homeland is 
housed and
            made available for individuals within and outside the community. It 
            envisioned as a resource for those interested in the narrative and 
            history of the Palestinian people presented through their own 
voices via
            biographies and memoirs, historical and current events analyses, and
            literature and poetry.

            Due to the long years of Zionist influence over the cultural 
institutions of
            the US, today's public libraries, and unfortunately even some 
            libraries, have little or no material representing the Palestinian
            narrative, creating a void of real and accurate information. With 
            obvious bias of mainstream media and deliberate attempts to ignore 
            silence our voices, it really becomes crucial to make this important
            information available for all.

            The establishment of a Palestine Library is especially important at 
            time because this year marks the 60th year of a tragic event in the 
            of humanity and for the Palestinian people with the Nakba. While 
            celebrates its so-called 60 years of 'statehood' its supporters 
ignore the
            reality of 60 years of Zionist occupation and 60 years since the 
            genocide and forced expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians from their 
homes and
            land. Not only is this 'celebration' problematic due to the true 
nature of
            Zionism, but more so because so many are celebrating without 
knowledge of
            why, supportive without really knowing what it is they are 
supporting. And,
            all the while, totally apathetic of the daily massacres and 
continued land
            theft, and unaware of the seven million refugees created by this 
state's so
            called "independence" the result of which still stands as the 
            standing and largest refugee situation in modern times. And every 
country of
            our world bears some responsibility for it.

            There are two main goals for The Palestine Library:

            1).  To serve the Palestinian community within the U.S. by creating 
a place
            that is 100% dedicated to the history, the struggle, the politics, 
the land,
            the heritage and culture of the Palestinian people. The Palestine 
            will be a centerpiece for Palestinian unity in the local area and 
beyond. We
            view this Library as a place where Palestinians can reclaim their 
            culture, language, history and the numerous other things that have 
            stolen from us, and to rightfully explain just why this heritage 
was stolen.
            It is intended to be a place where Palestinian-American youth can 
            about their history, culture and heritage.

            2) To serve as a resource of information for the greater community 
            providing books not found in libraries, or information not given in
            mainstream media. The library will serve anyone who is unaware, 
            or even passionate about Palestinian or Arab history. It will be a 
            where people may come to get answers to their questions. It will 
serve as a
            place where people can come to begin to identify the truth through 
            to the Palestinian people's own narrative that is largely ignored 
in the US.
            Ultimately, The Palestine Library will serve as a community space 
            students, parents, professors, workers and activists may come 
together to
            peruse the library's books and journals, conduct research, write 
            browse the Internet, watch a DVD, or meet others with similar 

            What progress have we made on the Palestine Library?

            Before and since the 6th Al-Awda convention, we have obtained some 
            furniture, and monetary donations, along with several computers and 
            for general use. We have also added new books from author/speakers 
such as
            Ramzy Baroud, Saree Makdisi, Ghada Karmi, along with other great 
works from
            Edward Said, Nur Masalha, and Naseer Aruri. During our convention 
            about the Library Project, we also recruited volunteers to donate
            generously. We have created a couple of individual workspaces for 
people to
            use for research topics or internet browsing. Monetary donations 
will be
            used for acquiring more books and upgraded furnishings and 
computers for
            those who wish to use the library. We would like to make our first 
            acquisition: the entire written collection of Edward Said!

            We hope to fill the Palestine Library in the near future with new 
state of
            the art computers for reference and web surfing, TVs and DVD 
players for
            viewing documentaries and movies, additional library furnishings 
such as
            desks and chairs for studying and conducting research, along with 
            furniture for reading and relaxing.

            Most importantly we need books for reference, reading, and check 
            Finally, we would like to establish an online source that 
compliments the
            library for those without physical access to the library. This 
online source
            would include additional references, useful links, online journals, 
            representative work such as academic or research papers written by 
            or professors where the information they gathered was from the 
            Library. Making the Library an international resource is a very 

            So how can you help?

            The Palestine Library is a community project and will thus greatly 
            from your input or assistance. If you have an idea you think would 
            contact us by email or phone or visit us. Below are some of the 
ways you can

            1.) Think about some great books you've read that are consistent 
            our goals and points of unity and donate a copy to the library.

            2.) Become a monthly or yearly sustainer. Even small sustained 
            really do help. For instance a $10 per month donation adds up to 
$120 a
            year. Think of all the books that can buy!

            3.) Are you an author? Make your book(s) part of the Palestine 
            collection by donating a copy.

            4.) Reside out of the area? How about contributing to the online 
data base
            of additional references outside the library.

            5.) Donate your time working as a library aide. Library aide tasks 
            include organizing and arranging book titles, maintaining library 
            or managing the library computers and workstations.
            There are many ways to help out with this project. Whatever your 
            you will be participating in supporting our Palestinian people's 
            cause: the achievement of Return! Donating to this project assists 
            and future generations in the pursuit of the knowledge needed to 
reclaim the

            What can be more rewarding, more liberating, more vital to the 
future than

            To contact us by email, please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To submit 
a monetary donation, please go to and follow the 

            To send us a donation by mail, the Palestine Library is currently 
located at the Al-Awda National Center in Carlsbad California. Our address is: 
PRRC, 2734 Loker Avenue West Suite K, Carlsbad, CA 92010, USA

            To donate by phone or to inquire about our library hours, call us 
at 760-918-9441. Our fax number is 760-918-9442

            Thank You For Your Generosity. We depend on it!

            Until Return,
            Alan Santistevan
            Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition


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