In the Name of Almighty Allah

Most Gracious, Most Merciful 


 Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
 Wa Ba'd:

 Ummatal Muslimeen! During this most wonderful month of Sha'baan, the following 
announcement goes out to the Muslim Ummah:
 "O brethern in Islam! You should generously distribute your Zakat to the poor 
and the needy, the widows and the orphans particularly during this month of 
Sha'baan; then you will certainly enter Jannah, the House of Peace. We ask our 
Glorious Creator and Sustainer - Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala to cover us 
with His Mercy, and make us die as Muslims, and to pardon all of us with His 
Mercy, for He is Most Merciful of those who show mercy. All Praise is due only 
to Rahmathul Liel Ala'meen, the Lord of all the worlds.""We seek refuge in 
Almighty Allah from Shaythaan, the rejected one.""Ha Meem!" - I swear by the 
manifest Most Holy and Noble Qur'an, that We have sent it down in a Blessed 
Night of Ramadhaan."
 Sha'baan as we all know is the eight month of the Islamic year. The meaning of 
the word Sha'baan means to spread or to descend. It is related in a Hadith that 
our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alaihi Wasallam said: "To the one who fasts and 
performs righteous deeds during the month of Sha'baan, great blessings and 
prosperity will descend upon him or her." It is therefore due to the descending 
blessings and prosperity upon such virtuous people that this month is called 
Sha'baan. The month of Sha'baan is a great gift to the Muslim Ummah and holds 
abundant virtues.
 O People of Imaan! During this wonderful month, Almighty Allah - out of His 
Great Muhabbat for humanity, has blessed us with the Night of  Baraat. This is 
the night of destiny in which Almighty Allah distinguished it with the coming 
down of the Mala'eeka to the Doonya to witness all our virtuous actions during 
the night. This is the night when the destiny for the coming year is determined 
for every human being. The Night of  Baraat is indeed a great gift to us for we 
have been reminded of its untold blessings in the following words:  In the Name 
of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful. "All Praise is due to Allah, Who is 
peerless in creating all the things in the universe; and then He blessed every 
thing and determined a certain measure for it; no one from His creatures was a 
partner (in creating things), He decorated, honoured and determined every 
thing; and He distinguished the "Night of Baraat" with the coming down of the 
Malaa'eeka (to this Doonya)."
 Alhumdoelillah! It is related from Hazrat Osama bin Zaid Radhiallahu Ta'ala 
Anho that our Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam said: "Sha'baan is my 
month and Ramadhaan belongs exclusively to Almighty Allah." I now ask: What 
better excellence does the month of Sha'baan require? Our Beloved Nabee 
Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam also said that he loved to fast during this month 
because the deeds of the servants are presented to our Glorious Creator and 
that he wanted his deeds to be presented while he was fasting. We all know that 
examinations are written in every school, college and university at the end of 
each academic year. These exams are based on the year's work. The most 
negligent student will study far in advance of the exams. It is therefore 
natural that a person should be well prepared for anything that he or she is 
going to be tested on. This world is mortal and Almighty Allah Subhanahu 
Wata'ala has sent mankind to worship none save Him and Him alone. As Mussaffirs 
on this Doonya we have to undergo these tests.
 Ummatal Qur’an! Almighty Allah has not created mankind free to wonder the 
world without any purpose, but He takes account of our actions yearly and 
according to the merits of our actions, we are given our sustenance for the 
coming year. The month of Sha'baan is the month of exams where the coming 
year's commands are issued. It is therefore absolutely necessary that we- the 
favoured Ummah of His Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam prepare for 
these examinations well in advance. Another great significance of this month is 
that Almighty Allah's splendour and Muhabbat descends on the first heaven after 
sunset on the night of Baraat where He proclaims: "Is there anyone who will beg 
for forgiveness for I will surely grant My forgiveness? Is there anyone who 
will repent for I will accept his or her repentance - and is there anyone who 
will ask Me for his or her needs I will grant whatever he or she asks? Is there 
anyone who seeks sustenance that I may grant it? Is there anyone in calamity 
that I may grant salvation.?" These blessings are showered during the entire 
night of Baraat and the proclamation continues till dawn. During the month of 
Sha'baan one should fast as much as possible and spend the nights in Ibadah, so 
that we can Insha'Allah prepare ourselves well in advance for the night of 

Ibad’Allah! It is also a blessing to fast on the 15th day of Sha'baan, and 
spending the night of in repentance, and begging Almighty Allah Subhanahu 
Wata'ala for His forgiveness, offering Duahs, performing Nawafil Salaat, 
reciting the Most Holy and Glorious Qur'an with our hearts and engaging in Zikr 
of Almighty Allah and seeking forgiveness for all the deceased. Almighty Allah 
declares very clearly in verse 11 of Surah Ar-Ra'ad:
 "Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change 
that which is in themselves."
 It is on the basis of these factors, remembrance, actions and deeds, that we 
will gain the sense of how to struggle, how to bring about the change that 
Almighty Allah says is necessary before He changes our environment. He will not 
change our condition, He will not change the environment, He will not change 
the world in which we live until we change that which is in ourselves. Without 
any question of a doubt His Muhabbat for humanity is so great that He has 
blessed us with the honoured months of Rajab, Sha'baan, Ramadhaan and Muharram. 
He has indeed blessed us with these auspicious months so that we, the Ummah of 
His Beloved Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam can prepare ourselves for the 
great examinations that await all of us in the Aghirah. Almighty Allah tells us 
in the Most Holy and Glorious Qur'an: 

 "And remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing"  
and is without doubt, the greatest feat, the most consequential action in which 
humanity can engage in. Imaan is the essence of the programme established by 
Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala; remembrance is the actuality of this 
programme. It is the current that emanates directly from our Glorious Creator 
and Sustainer. When we remember Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal, let us truly 
remember Him, filling our hearts and minds with Him so that nothing else can 
find room within us, then we become His Bondsman, His devoted servant, exerting 
a power beyond human limitations; the power of doing Almighty Allah's Will.  
Fa ya ayyuhal Muslimeen! Let us all, Insha'Allah with the Mercy of our Glorious 
Creator and Maker make good use of the night of Baraat and the remaining days 
of Sha'baan so that we can be prepared to welcome with untold joys in our 
hearts - the Glorious and Holy month of Ramadhaan. Sha'baan is a month of toil 
and struggle, kabad; what does this mean? It means that having said that we 
believe in none other than Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala and in the 
overriding reality presented in the Most Holy and Glorious Qur'an. Having taken 
the Shahadah, and having joined the company of those Muslims who submit 
completely to the Will of Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. We cannot sit back 
and wait for the doors of Janna'h to open for us without any sacrifice on our 
parts. We cannot continue in the same old ways and conduct of life. But 
Almighty Allah in His Infinite Mercy does promise that we will neither fear nor 
grieve; and that we will Insha'Allah have success in this life as well as in 
the Aghirah. Let us prepare ourselves to cleanse ourselves of our sins and 
begging our Glorious Maker and thanking Him abundantly for His Muhabbat and 
generosity. Let us welcome the night of Baraat with a high and noble aim and 
with a strong will to worship and please none other than Almighty Allah 
Subhanahu Wata'ala.
 Ma’a sheeral Muslimeen! The night of Baraat is a night when many positions are 
raised therein; so many calamities are removed; so many Duahs, supplications 
and repentance accepted; and so many good desires fulfilled by Almighty Allah 
Azza Wajjal. Allah's promise is that glad tidings are for those who endeavoured 
in worshipping Him during this sacred night that He has blessed us with. What 
is the worship of Allah? It is to establish what He has said about His 
Sovereignty - Al Tawhid. He said that He has created men and jinn but to 
worship Him Alone.  
The great Message of Truth is that the Most Holy Qur’an has untold, priceless 
treasures to offer: the endless joys of blissful conversations with our Maker; 
the immense riches of knowledge and wisdom that guide us on the Path of our 
Creator; the radiant light that illuminates the deepest reaches of our souls as 
well as the most public domains of our lives; the healing that cures all our 
sicknesses, inner or social; the mercy and forgiveness that support, succour 
and comfort  us so that we carry the burden of life joyfully and reach 
salvation and success both here and in the Aghirah. That, my beloved brothers 
and sisters is our purpose in life. That is the true reality.  
And Almighty Allah knows best. 
Baarak Allaahu Feekum wa-sal Allaahu wa Sallam ‘alaa 
Nabiyyina Muhammad Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam. 

 Was Salamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
 Abdul Hamid 


"Prayer is the stepping stone of rewards and      success when my life has its 
trials and my eyes has its tears"…Zohra Moosa



{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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