-------- Original Message -------- Subject:  Help this 7-yr old girl stay with 
her Muslim father!
      Date:  Wed, 13 Aug 2008 11:33:23 -0700
      From:  Latifa Aimaq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

I am writing from San Diego, California, where a little Muslim girl is in need 
of your duas and financial help.

The little girl is 7 years old and born to a man from Pakistan who works in 
Saudi Arabia as a laborer and a woman who is an American.  The little girl's 
mother and grandmother were in the U.S. while the father worked in Saudi Arabia.

Due to an illness and resulting consequences, the little girl's mother lost 
custody of her daughter to the state.  There have been elements of racism and 
anti-Islamic behavior by all involved who want to award custody to the 
Non-Muslim side of the family rather than send her to live with her father in 
Saudi Arabia.  I can provide our local CAIR representative's contact 
information who has been involved in the case and who can clairfy this point 
with you if you want.

The little girl's father is desperately trying to get his daughter back but he 
needs to retain a good lawyer.  We were not able to raise the 5,000 dollars in 
time and so we retained the lawyer too late (when he agreed to start the case 
for 3,000 on the condition that we help him later.)

Please help this case by donating any amount you can. An account has been 
established for this case and if you want to help, please email me and I can 
email you the necessary information.  If you need references to verify the 
case, I can provide that information as well.

Jazakom ALLAH Khaire
your sister

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