*US Limited in Georgia Crisis*

*By Peter Grier Wed Aug 13, **4:00 AM ET** *


WASHINGTON - *Russia**'**s blitz into the former Soviet **republic** of **
Georgia** has exposed starkly the limits of **US** military power and
geopolitical influence in the era following the invasion of **Iraq**. **
Georgia** is one of the closest **US** allies in **Eastern Europe**. President
Mikheil Saakashvili has visited the White House three times in the last four
years. Yet this warm relationship did not stop the Kremlin from unleashing a
ferocious military response after Georgian troops entered the separatist **
province** of **South Ossetia**.*

*US efforts to expand Western influence and spread democracy along **Russia*
*'**s borders may now be threatened. US relations with **Russia** itself, at
the least, are in flux. "This gets at the stability of the framework the **
US** thought was going to govern the post-cold-war world," says Stephen
Sestanovich, senior fellow for Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Council
on Foreign Relations.*

Russian leaders on Tuesday said they had ordered a halt to military action
in Georgia. The move followed five days of air and land attacks that had
routed Georgia's Army and sent Russian troops deep into Georgian territory.

*Russian President Dmitry Medvedev** announced on national television that
Georgia had been punished enough for its move against South Ossetia, which
has close ties to **Russia**. But Medvedev did not immediately announce any
withdrawal of forces from current positions and there were reports of
continued scattered fighting. "If there are any emerging hotbeds of
resistance or any aggressive actions, you should take steps to destroy
them," he told his defense minister at a televised Kremlin meeting.*

President Bush, for his part, on Aug. 11 demanded that Russia end its
dramatic escalation of violence in Georgia and agree to an immediate
cease-fire and international mediation. "Russia has invaded a sovereign
neighboring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its
people. Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st century," said Mr. Bush
in a statement televised shortly after his return to the US from the Beijing

*But since the crisis began, there has been no hint that the **United States
** would consider any kind of military move, even logistical aid for
Georgian forces, that would bring it into direct conflict with **Russia**.
The **US** and the West appear to have little leverage over a
**Moscow**that is flush with oil money and eager to reestablish its
position along its

Expulsion of Russia from the G-8 group of industrialized nations was among
the few apparent strong actions the US and Europe could take. Other possible
moves include threatening Russia with the loss of the 2014 Winter Olympic
games at the Black Sea resort of Sochi. "The United States, its allies, and
other countries need to send a strong signal to Moscow that creating
19th-century-style spheres of influence and redrawing the borders of the
former Soviet Union is a danger to world peace," said Ariel Cohen, senior
research fellow in Russian and Eurasian studies at the Heritage Foundation,
in an analysis of the impact of the crisis.

*Georgian President Saakashvili has long been one of the Bush administration
**'**s favorite world leaders. Georgia contributed 2,000 troops to the US
effort in Iraq, and Mr. Saakashvili has talked often of his support for Bush
administration efforts to spread freedom and democracy among the countries
of the former Soviet Union. Saakashvili and Bush seem to share a good
personal chemistry. Bush visited Georgia in 2005; during Saakashvili**'**s
return visits to the White House, the two joshed about folk dancing and
their wives**'** luncheon plans.*

In March, at a White House appearance, Saakashvili thanked Bush for
supporting Georgia's aspirations to join NATO and for "protecting Georgia's
borders." "I think this is a very unequivocal support we're getting from
you," the Georgian leader told the US president, for the cameras.

The US has long publicly stated that it is in favor of a peaceful settlement
of Georgia's disputes with its breakaway provinces of South Ossetia and
Abkhazia. Yet Saakashvili decided to send troops into South Ossetia, anyway.
That appears to have been the spark that set off the crisis – or the
provocation that Russia was waiting for.

*Perhaps the Georgian leader thought the **US** would come to his aid if he
got in trouble. If so, he did not take into account the drain that Iraq has
been on US forces and the US standing in the world – or the American need to
work with Russia on other important geopolitical issues, such as the effort
to curb Iran**'**s nuclear program. *

*"In many respects, Saakashvili got too close to the **US**, and the
**US**got too close to Saakashvili.... Perhaps that made him
overreach," says
Charles Kupchan, senior fellow for **Europe** Studies at the Council on
Foreign Relations. Ukraine, among other nations, will surely watch the
outcome of this crisis closely, according to Mr. Kupchan. US hopes of
girdling Russia with Western-oriented governments now appear in question, as
Moscow reasserts influence over its "near abroad." *

*US hopes that **Russia** would be essentially a benign economic partner may
also have been dashed when Russian tanks rolled into Georgian territory.
"Victory in this war with no consequences for Russia will reinforce
antidemocratic forces in Russia, increase the militarization of its foreign
policy, and encourage Russia to take more risks elsewhere on its borders,"
says Stephen Jones, professor of Russian and Eurasian studies at Mount
Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass. *

*With the **US** far from the area of conflict, European attitudes will be
crucial. Yet on **Georgia** and **Russia**, different European countries
take different positions, and they have serious internal disagreements as
well. The European position tends to skew along lines of interest and
history. Older European states, such as **France** and **Germany**, have
strong economic and energy ties to **Russia** and see themselves as
necessarily working with **Moscow**. Former **Warsaw** Pact states** like **
Poland**, **Hungary**, and the Baltic nations view **Moscow** with real
suspicion based on bitter recent history as involuntary allies of the **Soviet
Union**. *

Britain, increasingly wary of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's Russia, takes
a dim view of Moscow after a season of tensions and spats. East
German-born Angela
Merkel, Germany's chancellor, regards Prime Minister Putin at least as a
question mark, but she has been skillful at pragmatic moves that have kept
Berlin-Moscow relations strong. "Nothing meaningful can be done as a matter
of American policy if there is no consensus among European states that this
represents something deeply shocking," says Mr. Sestanovich of the Council
on Foreign Relations.

*• Robert Marquand in **Paris** contributed to this report. Material from
Associated Press was also used.*

*Russia's War of Ambition*

*Published: **August 11, 2008** *


*No one is blameless in the dangerous game that has erupted into deadly war
in the **Caucasus**. Georgia's president, Mikheil Saakashvili, foolishly and
tragically baited the Russians — or even more foolishly fell into Moscow's
trap — when he sent his army into the separatist enclave of South Ossetia
last week. The Bush administration has alternately egged on Mr. Saakashvili
(although apparently not this time) and looked the other way as the Kremlin
has bullied and blackmailed its neighbors and its own people. *

There is no imaginable excuse for Russia's invasion of Georgia. After
pounding both civilian and military targets with strategic bombers and
missiles, Russian armored vehicles rolled into Georgia on Monday, raising
fears of an all-out assault on the capital and Mr. Saakashvili's
democratically elected government.

Moscow claims it is merely defending the rights of ethnic minorities in South
Ossetia and Abkhazia, which have been trying to break from Georgia since the
early 1990s. But its ambitions go far beyond that. Prime Minister Vladimir
Putin (who has shouldered aside Russia's new president, Dmitri Medvedev, to
run the war) appears determined to reimpose by force and intimidation as
much of the old Soviet sphere of influence as he can get away with.

*Mr. Saakashvili — with his pro-Western ambitions and desire to join NATO —
has particularly drawn Mr. Putin's ire. But the assault on **Georgia** is
also clearly intended to bully **Ukraine** into dropping its NATO bid and
frighten any other neighbor or former satellite that might balk at following
**Moscow**'s line.*

The United States and its European allies must tell Mr. Putin in the
clearest possible terms that such aggression will not be tolerated. And that
there will be no redivision of Europe. Given Russia's oil wealth and nuclear
arsenal, the West's leverage is limited, but not inconsequential.
Russiastill wants respect, economic deals and a seat at the table,
membership in the World Trade Organization and a new political and economic
cooperation deal with the European Union. Moscow is also eager to complete a
civilian nuclear cooperation deal with the United States that could be worth

There can be no business as usual until Russian troops are out of Georgia,
fighting has ended and all sides have agreed on a plan for calming the
tensions in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. At a minimum, that means
international mediation, more autonomy for both regions and the stationing
of truly neutral international peacekeepers — not Russian troops.

Mr. Saakashvili will have to abandon his ambitions to reassert control over
the two regions. Because of his miscalculation, his army has been routed and
his country badly damaged.

*The **United States** and **Europe** also need to take a hard look at their
relationship with **Russia** going forward. Neither has protested loudly or
persuasively enough as Mr. Putin has used **Russia**'s oil and gas wealth to
blackmail its neighbors, throttled **Russia**'s free press and harassed and
imprisoned opponents. The Bush administration has made Mr. Putin's job even
easier, feeding nationalist resentments with its relentless drive for
missile defense. The Europeans, who are far too dependent on Russian gas
supplies, have deluded themselves into believing that they alone will be
safe from Moscow's bullying. *

The West wants and needs Russia as a full responsible partner. For that,
Russia needs to behave responsibly. And the United States and Europe must
make clear that anything less is unacceptable.

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