Virtues of Ramadhaan HADITH - 3
Kaab bin Ujra relates, "Rasulullah (SAW) said, "Come near to the mimbar". And 
we came near to the mimbar.
When he ascended the First step of the mimbar he said "Aameen". When he 
ascended the second step of the mimbar he said, "Aameen". When he ascended the 
third step he said, "Aameen".
When he descended we said, "0 Rasul of Allah, we have heard from you today 
something which we never heard before". He said, When I ascended the first 
step) Jibra-eel A.S. appeared before me and said, "Woe to him who found the 
blessed month of Ramadhaan and let it pass by without gaining forgiveness", 
Upon that I said, "Aameen". When I ascended the second step, he said "Woe to 
him before whom thy name is mentioned and then does not read Durood (salaat 
alan Nabi) on you". I replied "Aameen". When I ascended the third step he said, 
"Woe unto the person in whose presence both parents or one of them attain old 
age, and (through failure to serve them) is not allowed to enter Jannah" I said 
   Reported by Haakim.



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