Senior Scholars and 
Mashaykh of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamah   --&--  =

Details of seminars attended - in person - by Senior Scholars and Mashaaykh = 
Scholars  Attended     --- Books Covered    ---   Field Trips    ---   
Participant's Testimonies     
Details of   FREE – On-Line - Intensive Courses – ‘Aqeedah – Tafseer - Fiqh - 
by Senior Scholars and Mashaaykh = 
Courses in Session -- Certification -- How to Listen?  -- Scholars
Al-hamdulillaah once again, a very noble guest is about to knock at our doors,
Once again, We are about to witness one more Ramadaan, the month of Blessings, 
Rahmah, Forgiveness, and Glad tidings.
We at Al-Quraan wa As-Sunnah Society of New York, wish entire Ummah a very 
blessed Ramadaan.
We know you have many questions related to Siyaam, Qiyaam and Ramadaan, 
Therefore, your brothers at QSSNY, ( ) 
are pleased to announce 
“LIVE Special Q-A Sessions about Ramadaan by Senior Scholars”
to answer your questions and help you live Ramadaan according to Quraan and 
Let’s help you fully benefit from this noble guest, assist you in reaping the 
joyous fruits of Siyaam and Qiyaam.
Please join us on Saturday, August 30th, and September 6th, 2008.
You may start posting your questions now: 
Questions will be answered in the order received, insha Allaah.
You are also invited to read articles and transcribed lectures and 
Fatawaas about Ramadaan in our exclusive section :  Ramadaan .... Fasting .... 
Zakatul-Fitr .... Zakatul Maal .... Eed ul Fitr

Upcoming Lectures -Schedule-
(Translated Arabic-English)


Methods of Broadcasting:
You may listen to the lectures via following options, Absolutely FREE !!!
 1- Masaajid, Islamic Centers and Groups = Use our Telephone Conference Calling 
system. Use telephone number listed below. Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for 
more details.
2- Individual Listeners = Live Broadcast from our website 
3- Pal-Talk = Islam > Live Senior Scholars of Ahli Sunnah English Arabic

Telephone Number: 

Password = QSSNY ( 77769)
Individual Listeners please visit Lectures 
will be broadcasted live without the need of a password.


You may start posting your questions now: 
Questions will be answered in the order received, insha Allaah.


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