I  welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan !

With new sprouts of faith emerging in my barren heart,
With  the Unseen  showing the blaze of  my Final Goal,
With a   blissful blend of  belief , joy and fear,
With a Divine aura  overpowering  my mind and soul,
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan!
Your name brings forth  a  flurry of soothing throbs,
>From which  countless hopes of salvation arise;
Your name comes to the rescue of my worries and shame;
It seems to  blow  the breezes of the gardens of  Paradise .
I welcome you,Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan !
May your advent  shower on this trembling world,
The heavenly serenity, lasting peace and  moral  grace;
May the first glimpse of your moon on the globe’s horizon,
Dissipate the dark and  threatening  clouds  from its face.
I welcome you, Oh the sacred month of Ramadhan !
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Dr.Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D.
Lucknow,U.P. India

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