Abu Hurairah reported that 
  The Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: 

  "Ramadaan has come to you - a blessed month. Allaah has made it obligatory on 
you to fast in it. During this month, the gates of heaven are open, the gates 
of the Hellfire are closed and the evil devils are chained. To Allaah belongs a 
night in it, which is better than a thousand months. Whosoever is prevented 
from its good, then he has been deprived." 

  This hadeeth is reported by Ahmad and An-Nasaa'ee. See Ahmad Shaakir's 
checking of the Musnad (no. 7148) and Saheeh at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb of 
al-Albaanee (1490) as well as Tamaam-ul-Mannah (395)

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