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 [ RAMADHAN FOCUS 1429 Part 1 ] -  Some Virtues of Ramadhan  

Hadhrat Salman RA narrates that during the last Jumu'ah of the month
of Sha'ban, Rasullullah ( sallallhu alaiyhi wasallam) recited a
Khutba(sermon) in which he said: "0 People! An auspicious month has
dawned over you. In that month is a night which is superior to a
thousand months (i.e. ibadat in this night is superior to the ibadat
rendered in a thousand months. Allah Ta'ala has made fasting
compulsory in this month, and has decreed wakefulness at night (i.e.
Taraweeh Salat) Sunnah. A Nafl (non-obligatory or optional) act
rendered in this month for attaining proximity to Allah, is equal to a
Fardh act rendered in other months. A fardh act rendered in this month
is equal to seventy Fardh acts of other months. Whoever gives to a
fasting person something for Iftar, his sins will be forgiven and he
will be saved from Jahannam; he obtains as much reward as the fasting
person (to whom he had given something for Iftaar) while the reward of
the person is not reduced in any way."The people asked: '0
Rasullullah! All of us are not by the means to give something for the
Iftar of another. (They were at the time under the impression that
Rasullullah SAW referred to a full meal). Rasullullah SAW said: "This
reward is even for a person who gives another a date, a drink of water
or milk (for Iftaar)..."  (Ibn Khuzaimah)


Nabi ( sallallhu alaiyhi wasallam) said: “My ummah has been given 5
special things that were not given to anyone before them. The smell
from the mouth of a fasting person is sweeter to Allah than the
fragrance of musk. The fish in the sea seek forgiveness on their
behalf until they break fast.  Allah decorates His special jannah
everyday and then says the time is near when My faithful servants
shall cast aside the trials of the world and come to you. In this
month the rebellious shayateen are chained, so as not to incite evil
which they normally do in other months. On the last night of Ramadhan,
the fasting Muslims are forgiven.”  The companions inquired: “O
Messenger of Allah: Is that night laylatul qadr.” Nabi ( sallallhu
alaiyhi wasallam) replied: “No, but it is only right that a servant
should be given his reward on having completed his duty.”  (Reported
by Ahmad and Baihaqi)


Nabi ( sallallhu alaiyhi wasallam) said: “Every good deed of the child
of Adam is increased (in reward) from 10 to 700 times.” and Almighty
Allah says: “Except fasting, for verily it is for Me and I, Myself
will reward it.” “The fasting person abstains from desire and food for
My sake.” (Mishkhat Shareef). Nabi ( sallallhu alaiyhi wasallam) said:
“For the fasting person there are two occasions of joy – pleasure at
the time of breaking the fast and at the time of meeting his Rabb
(Sustainer).” (Mishkat Shareef)


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