Spearhead Analysis 09-08 

US think tanks and media are orchestrating a carefully calibrated 
campaign to signal their firm perception that Pakistan has been 
playing a double game----taking US dollars and not going all out in 
the war on terror. There are insinuations (without an iota of 
evidence except interviews with people not wanting to be named) that 
Pakistan's intelligence agencies and military are secretly aiding the 
Taleban even as they profess to fight them. 

Timed with the transition to democracy this campaign seeks to divide 
the military and the new civil dispensation and encourages the 
democratic government to change track and bring the military and 
intelligence agencies under control. The US is being advised to forge 
separate relationships with the civil and the military in pursuit of 
its interests. These interests have been made clear by President Bush 
in his remarks where he put Pakistan in the same category as Iraq and 
Afghanistan and while regretting civilian deaths vowed to continue US 
attacks in all three countries. This explains the surge in US attacks 
in FATA. 

Now when Pakistan is blamed for the problem in Afghanistan there is 
no mention of the thousands killed in Pakistan in combat and bomb 
attacks nor any reference to the terrorists killed and captured by 
Pakistan. There is also no mention of the drugs, warlords and the 
total absence of any sort of governance or control in Afghanistan. 
Military commanders in Afghanistan are shown on TV saying that the 
Taleban ` came from Pakistan or escaped into Pakistan'. Perhaps they 
do not know that Pakistan has been asking for a definition of the 
border, a hardening of the border, fencing where possible and 
technical monitoring of the border with movement confined to declared 
crossing points. None of this has happened. 

There is no reason why NATO cannot declare a border zone along the 
border inside Afghanistan a `neutral zone', ban all movement in it, 
bring it under surveillance and attack aliens and others who try and 
cross it in either direction. Pakistan's concerns of external 
involvement in its destabilization have also gone unheeded on the 
grounds that it has not shown proof but no proof seems to be required 
when Pakistan is to be blamed. 

For Pakistan the choice is clear. It has to stabilize internally 
against all attempts to keep it unstable. The civil and military must 
always remain on the same page regardless of the allegations being 
leveled. Intelligence and strategic assets should not be compromised 
under any sort of pressure and considered decisions based on shared 
civil-military perceptions should be the norm for all structural and 
organizational improvements. Regardless of the past the military has 
now clearly signaled its disassociation from politics----a civil-
military relationship for the democratic environment can now be 
forged. The military can be a powerful and constructive factor in 
this relationship. US overtures of non-military economic support 
should be welcomed and a basis laid for a continuance of the US-
Pakistan relationship beyond current concerns and fears. Pakistan can 
resolve its problems---it has to show this resolve to silence dissent 
and doubt. 



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