----- Original Message -----
From: Aeisha Muhammad
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 12:42 AM
Subject: An open letter to the Russian leadership

A greeting of solidarity with Russia:

An open letter to the Russian leadership

Al -Moharer


His Excellency President Medvedev,

His Excellency Prime Minister Putin,

First and before all, I would like to transmit to you the best regards and the 
sincere greetings of the people of Iraq and its courageous vanguard, the 
Patriotic Iraqi Resistance, and its solidarity with you while confronting the 
US colonialist attempts to weaken Russia and encroach on its strategic 
interests. We the people of Iraq, the greatest victim of the US all through its 
criminal unprecedented history, after the genocide of more than 112 million red 
Indian, we declare without the slightest hesitation that we stand with you 
strongly against the NATO attempts to expand eastward, we are against 
establishing US strategic missiles in Russia' vital space in a preemptive 
attempt to prevent Russia from rising anew and as a plan to divide it, through 
backing the separatist elements in the Russian federation. Yes! It was the 
colonialist West and especially with the help of its puppets in Afghanistan, 
the Soviet Union, the force confronting the rabid US expansionism, was put to 

Your preemptive step in Georgia is a formidable act from the strategic point of 
view in its timing, aims and tactics... It will have global repercussions 
serving the liberation movements and peoples persecuted and bullied by the 
colonialist west. Considering that these events have a direct connection with 
the occupied Iraq and can affect the Iraqi Armed Revolution against the US 
colonialism. Allow me your Excellencies to expose the following very important 

1- The US' Achilles' heel is Iraq, and we beg you not to believe the US 
propaganda which claims that the Iraqi Resistance is winding down... What have 
in reality backed down are the US and Iranian death squads and not the Iraqi 
Resistance. Thus the US colonialist project to have an absolute control over 
our planet can be buried in Iraq.

Only through backing the Patriotic Iraqi Resistance and strengthening its 
military capabilities, we can accelerate ending the US colonialism all over the 
world through tightening the rope around its neck in Iraq and defeat it to be 
unable to launch any other aggression and salvage humanity from its evil 
horrible deeds witnessed in Iraq. The humankind throughout history never 
witnessed a savagery and a ferocity greater than the US savagery and ferocity. 
So the key to defeat the US in the world and corner it into isolation is when 
Russia provides support to the Iraqi resistance directly or indirectly.

The key to free the world by muzzling the US requires the Russian involvement 
into Iraq battle. Combat the US outside your borders and away from your 
national security vital space, exactly the way the US fights you now outside 
its own frontiers in Ukraine, Georgia, Poland and elsewhere. Iraq today is an 
open US' battle field and we all must exploit this unprecedented historic 
opportunity to plunge the US even deeper in the Iraqi quagmire and to stop it 
from any freedom of movement (stabilizing it in military terms) rendering it a 
sitting duck and an easy target.

Here, in our beloved Iraq, and nowhere else in the world, we can defeat the US 
and finish off its mad and rabid colonialism. Forget about all the other 
struggles and concentrate on the battle of Iraq for it is the easiest and the 
cheapest. Don't lose this historical opportunity ready to seize for us and for 
you and humanity... which saw the US killing machine never stopping unless 
being destroyed. The US has no principles, no ethics, it doesn't respect the 
law. The US is a ferocious beast devouring everything it founds or it can reach 
without hesitation! So the US understands only the language of force.

2- We are aware that this era is the era of interests and not the era of 
ideologies... But we are also aware through experience that interests are 
bigger than ideologies... Indeed! The Communist ideology collapsed in the 
Soviet Union, but the National Russian interests remained. In this context 
Russia, which is being attacked by the US and some European countries in order 
to divide it and making it a mere tail of the West, and wipe out its role as a 
super power, is forced to defend its interests through preventing the US from 
controlling the Russian national security and regional vital space, which is 
central Europe and use it to wipe out Russia' influence. The nature of this 
struggle requires from Russia to look for the widest possible support to stop 
the US from controlling the world as you said Mr. President Medvedev. Here 
allow me to ascertain to you that millions of the inhabitants of this planet 
are ready to strongly back Russia.

3- We are ware that the US capitalism, while suffering from its structural 
crisis and old age diseases and symptoms, is trying to compensate its internal 
impotency to find solutions for its crisis through invading the world and turn 
it into a huge intensive care unit to stop its decline. Thus, attempting to 
control the world and preventing any country to compete with the US, in 
technological and economical domains, is in the first place the right 
explanation of these crisis and it is not only a mere normal colonialist 

Considering these facts, the US has only two choices: either to continue trying 
to colonize the world and with no exception to guarantee the needed resources, 
and to delay the collapse of the US capitalist regime, or to stop and accept a 
multi-polar world. In this case the US will be degrading soon as country less 
important than China, the European Union, Russia and even India in the coming 
15 or 20 years.

This reality ascertains our belief that the US shall not stop from attempting 
to divide Russia and prevent it from a playing a major role in the world 
affairs. It is here exactly where simmers the international source of tensions 
concerning the birth or no of a multi-polar world.

What we want to say in other terms, that any struggle with the US is a fatality 
we can't avoid and as it is a natural defensive act. It is not the fruit of an 
ideological thinking.

For these very reasons, we are like you; we are not partisans of a new cold 
war. Rather! We call for justice and the respect of the peoples and the 
interests of the others, to get rid of the (Western centralization) which saw 
the light after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The relative justice in the 
world will not be achieved unless there is a multi-polar world, where Russia 
can play the role of a decision making super power.

Most honorable Excellencies Medvedev and Putin

I am writing to your Excellencies as an Iraqi patriot and as a militant against 
the US colonialist occupation of Iraq. I do strongly believe that the 
friendship in between our two peoples based on mutual interests can be the 
fundamental force to prevent the world from being colonized, not because Iraq 
is a super power in the traditional terms but because the US wants to colonize 
it after invading it... This has brought the US to Iraq and put our great Iraqi 
people in front of its responsibility to combat the US until the decisive 
victory. The battle of Iraq is growing and intensifying now following the 
stabilization of the balance in amongst the Iraqi Resistance ranks which 
determined their main force and nature.

We assert to you that defeating the US in Iraq is a reality which can be 
achieved and is the easiest and the cheapest of choices to muzzle the US... It 
is the shortest cut in place and in time. Your experts can study this choice... 
and I am sure they will opt for it. At that time providing support to the Iraqi 
resistance will be the choice which will give the humanity an opportunity to 
get rid of the tensions' source without enduring other world or regional wars, 
Supporting only the Iraqi Resistance to decisively end the battle of Iraq, is 
the fundamental guarantee to prevent a new cold war, and other military 

Last, I wish to mention here an old Arab proverb which says: "if you want to 
kill a viper, hit it on the head!" The morality of this proverb is that vipers, 
if hit on the tail will come soon to take revenge through their killer 
poison... Georgia is the viper tail and not its head... For these reasons, and 
surely the US and the NATO will come back with more hatred to plot against 
Russia in different ways following Russia clever strategic strike against the 
US in Georgia. Here we must remind that the US' viper head is in Iraq now.

We wish Russia progress and prosperity to replace the Soviet Union as a super 
power no one can ignore or encroach on its vital interests

With our kind regards

Salah al Mukhtar

3rd September 2008

*Translated by Abu Assur. http://www.al-moharer.net

Palestine is Arab and Free from the River to the Sea

One Arab Nation from the Gulf to the Ocean

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