----- Original Message -----
From: Khalid Amayreh
To: Khalid Amayreh
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 7:21 AM
Subject: Fw: The Joke of Palestinian democracy under Fatah, Israel

Source: www.xpis.ps

The Joke of Palestinian "democracy" under Fatah, Israel

Comment by Khalid Amayreh in occupied Palestine

19 September, 2008

Jockeying for an advantageous public posture vis-à-vis Hamas, the Fatah 
movement has been calling for the organization of presidential and 
parliamentary elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

The  proposal is being touted as the only way to resolve the enduring crisis 
between Fatah and Hamas, following the latter's counter-coup in Gaza in June of 
last year.

The proposal, however, seems to be  more of a  propagandist gambit  than a  
sincere effort aimed at achieving inter-Palestinian reconciliation.

And it doesn't  suggest that Fatah, now solidly backed and financed by the 
United States,  has undergone a true  democratic transformation.

Indeed, Fatah today remains the same Fatah that only reluctantly and under 
American pressure agreed to allow general elections to take place in 2006- and 
only because Fatah leaders seemed then certain they would win. 
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