A Bomb in Islamabad kills 56 innocent-souls.
A fortnight before ,  another bombing in Pakistan
has killed another 96 innocent-souls.
Can we assume that all innocents are equal ??
While assuming that all bombers are criminals ??
But let us not forget that there are Criminal-actions
and Criminal-reactions........
The reaction blames the action
while the innocents do die unaware whether the action killed them
or the consequent-reaction.
One fact is undeniable and relevant:
those who died in the Marriott Hotel were probably or presumably
richer than those 96 who died in the poor Tribal Areas of Pakistan.
While if there were any arms-dealers among those victims
one would logically find them in that 5 Stars Hotel and not
among the poor farmers in East-Pakistan-Provinces.
The same goes for the dealers in nuclear technologies ,
they love 5 stars Hotels.......
In the eyes of God and of humanity ,
all living and all dead are equals
but there are rich-dead and also poor-dead.
My condolences to both....
but my sympathy declines a bit to one side.....
Raja Chemayel
equality brings justice brings peace
21St of September 2008


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