Asalamualaykum sister,
 first of all  can i make a request, please finish writing your articles in 
English once you have started as many of us don't understand what you have 
written jazakallah fiki.
 From what i can make of what you have written you say that this sister, 
amongst other things, says that men and women should pray the same. I believe 
this to be correct. The hadith in question where woman pray differently is a 
Baihaqi hadith and Baihaqi himself declares the hadith to be weak. Bear in mind 
that the Hanafi madhab is the only madhab and type of manhaj that says their 
women should pray like that, in fact i cannot recall a description of how 
Hanafi woman are supposed to pray ie where is the sahih evidence of putting the 
feet to the right etc?  
Also you must think logically with this argument, if the Prophet saw had divine 
knowledge from Allah that women were supposed to pray differently then he saw 
wouldve told Aisha RA to teach the women how to offer their prayer,  after all 
Aisha RA was known amongst his wives for being most knowledgeable and very 
close to the Prophet. We even know that she RA narrated over 2000 ahadith of 
the Prophet saw, so why has there been no mention of a different type of prayer 
for women? Infact the hadith i remember of women praying differently refutes 
Aisha RA for praying  ' a dog'.
It is also common sense that there is no difference between a man and a woman 
praying because Hawa AS would've been taught differently from Adam AS. Again 
there is to my knowledge no evidence of this. 
Furthermore a woman typically prays behind a man therefore she does not have to 
restrict her movement as the men will not be able to see her if they are in 
front. If the worst comes to the worst and a woman has to pray in view of a man 
or out in the open then firstly she should use her brain and find somewhere 
suitable to pray if time permits-even pray in a church which is permissable if 
she has to-then maybe this instance would require her to pray in such a way 
other than that of normal. And to be honest if they were Allah fearing men then 
they would have the decency not to look in the first place or find the sister 
somewhere to pray. If the case was that of kufar men then again that would 
require a different type of movement. 
There was recently a story of a woman who needed to pray her salah, she went to 
the mosque and asked if she could perform her salah there. This mosque as so 
many in Britain was a typical Hanafi mosque and therefore did not have an 
actual sisters section hence the sister asking permission. Astonishingly and 
disgustingly the Imam or whoever it was said no. The sister was allowed however 
to pray in HER LOCAL CHURCH. 
Hanafis and people who tend to follow a madhab in my experience, and forgive me 
for offending anyone but it must be said, tend to be blind followers. The 
Hanafis especially tend to look down upon anyone else who is not of the Hanafi 
madhab and my husband has even had 'Astaghfirullah' said in front of him 
because he does not blindly follow the madhab but rather consults the ahadith 
books. I am sorry but how dare the brother say astaghfirullah like the only 
type of muslim to be is a Hanafi?! If your not then your looked down upon like 
you are following a deviant sect or even a kafir, It's just ridiculous. 
Another funny moment was when a sister in university actually stopped eating 
her burger because i said i don't follow the Hanafi madhab! She then even more 
amusingly turned around and said that the four madhabs are all correct. So lets 
rewind; first she is shocked so much so by my statement that she actually stops 
eating her burger ( please- come on!)  and secondly she said that the four 
madhabs are all correct...from this she clearly she has a 'the- Hanafi- madhab- 
must- be -followed- but -then -the- other -madhabs -will -do -because- they- 
are- correct' attitude. It's funny because the other madhabs are contradictory 
too. For example take the Shafi madhab. Shafis believe that if a man touches a 
woman, by touch i mean literally just touch and not of the sexual nature, then 
his Wudu is broken. However, this is not the case for a Hanafi brother, his 
Wudu will still be intact. So if a Hanafi and Shafi brother both have wudu but 
hold the hands of their wives one of them is in wudu but one of them isn' 
you see where this is going and why it is completely illogical to follow a 
What is even more shocking that the above is that my husband once asked his 
Imam of the local mosque a question regarding the following of the Hanafi 
madhab. He basically asked the Imam why they follow weak ahadith inc the one 
about the way women pray. The Imam's reply- and i quote- was 
                                                   'because Imam Hanifa said 
This left my husband shocked but not entirely surprised.
Does this reply not mean that he has raised Imam Hanifa to the same rank as the 
Prophet SAW?!
Sheikh Feiz once said (paraphrasing) that people who follow madhabs may end up 
in saying the name of the madhab Imam instead of the Prophet SAWwhen  
questioned about who their Imam is in their grave(watch the Death series  dvds 
featuring Sheikh Feiz to see what i am talking about). He only stated what i 
was already thinking.
I am in no doubt that the Imams of the four madhabs were extremely pious and 
knowledgeable and may Allah be pleased with them etc but that does not 
constitute the right to take their teachings and opinions over that of the 
Prophet SAW. The way of the Prophet is the sunnah and the only way.
The Prophet Saw said (paraphrasing) 'Anything other than islam is innovation 
and every innovation is in the Hellfire'.
The Prophet saw said 'If you do not follow my sunnah then you are not of me'. 
[Bukhari hadith.] 
Allah also says in the Quran : '
‘And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allâh (i.e. this Qur'ân), 
and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allâh's Favour on you, for 
you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by 
His Grace, you became brethren (in Islâmic Faith), and you were on the brink of 
a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allâh makes His Ayât (proofs, 
evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you 
may be guided.’ [Aali ‘Imraan:103]
 If we cannot unite with each other and if we are constantly arguing over what 
the deen is then it is no wonder the kufar  are mocking, disgracing and beating 
us left, right and centre.
 This is obviously my opinion and if i have offended anyone then forgive me. 
Ultimately Allahu alim.
Asalamualykum wah rahmatulah wah barakatahu.

Nothing in this dunya is worth Jahannam 

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: From: Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 14:40:16 -0700Subject: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] al huda is Fitna

Alhuda there is a instituite in islamabad called as institute of islamic 
education fo women .the incharge of this institute is Dr Farhat hasmi Sahaba 
.she got her degree from galsko university.unversities which of non muslim are 
bulit to create difference nad doubt among the muslim . Bibi Farhat is one of  
them.from any unislamic university degree is not consider as authentic for 
becomeing and Alim deen.all those  people which obstain themselves from these 
doubt are very few.1:she said same method (man and women)of offering 
namaz.Islam says "RAsool(SAW) two women kay pass say Guzar rahay thay  jo namaz 
per rhee thee ap nay in say farmaya jub tum sajda karo apnay jisum ka kuch hisa 
zameen say mila lia karo .kyo k women ka hukum men jasa nhe"HAZRAT Ali ka 
irshad kay "jub women sajda karay to isay chahiya k apni rano ko milaliya 
karay"HAZRAT ibn umar say pocha gya k RAsool(peace be upon him) kay time may 
women kasay namaz perha kertee thin to unho nay fermaya k phalay char zano sit 
kertee thin then in ko hukum dia gaya k khoob seemat ker namaz ada kiya karain .
2:she said there is no kaza of left prayers?what islam says  there is a kaza of 
left namaz this is proof from HAdess .gazwa khanduk kay mokay per ap (peace be 
upon him ) ke kuch namazain fhot hogaee thi jin ko ap nay bad may kaza fermaya 
"(Tirmizi)3:she said women can lead paryer. what islam say ?
lead of women in prayer is Makroo.HAZRAT Aysha  say rewayat ha(RS) RAsool 
Allah(Peacebe upon him) nay fermaya  " Women ke  jamat may khar nhi "
HAZRAT Ali(RS) say rewayat hay "Women imamat (lead) na karay "
4: she said women ki voice ka perda nhi hay ?what Quran says about it ?see  
Surah Ahzab , Surah NUR  

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