Title: RE: Eid Mubarak... Masjid Al-Islam.
Houston Masjid Hurricane Photos

New Orleans Masjid Hurricane Photos



ASA, I recently asked the question of a masjid administrator,   concerning whether Masjid Quran  in Houston, has insurance to cover the property and assets it owns.

The question is pertinent,  because when disasters strike, insurance coverage permits the quickest way to recover from it , and to restore normalcy, in the most efficient way possible.  In hurricane prone, and flood prone Houston and the Gulf Coast area, insurance is not a luxury, it is a vital necessity.

I have managed my mother's property, my family foundation's property and my own property in  Beaumont through three hurricanes,- Rita, Humberto, and Ike,   Insurance  funds restored , and/or improved all the properties,  without any unnecessary delays.  I just filed two insurance claims for Hurricane IIke

I believe it is a reasonable question to ask  Masjid leadership, who is responsible and accountable, for  the stewardship and maintenance of the  Masjid's property and assets , what  their justification is,  for failing to havie insurance for the Houston Masjid, as well as Masjid Quran, if it dos not have any.  It also begs the question of how long has the  Houston Masjid been without  insurance, and when was the ummah first notified that his was an important masjid issue..  Relevant to this scenario is the fact that  the  Houston Masjid Building was a gift to the Houston ummah from Muhammad Ali and Jabar Muhammad, duriig the championship years, gand , and  apparently , had no mortgage bills  to pay.

Is it logical to deduce, that had the leadership called a community wide shura meeting, to address the issue of lack of insurance, that the collective minds and resources of the ummah would have arrived at a satisfactory solution to the issue?

Certainly the ummah deserves such a shura meeting now, so that the leadership can give them a clear understanding of how this situation developed, and what steps it plans to take to prevent anymore like it, from occurring in the future.

I believe the answer is ABSOLUTELY -   IF the leadership had been candid about openly presenting the challenge to the Ummah,  And IF the leadership had conducted MUTUAL consultation with the ummah;. and IF the leadership allowed  the ummah to vote and participate in he decision making process, of managing the important affairs of the masjid..

The New Orleans Masjid, DID all of these things, and were  able to promptly recover from the historical devastation of Hurricane Katrina.  Because they had to foresight to adequately insure both the masjid properties as well as their personal properties, they were able to start the restoration of their properties without delay

In addition, they were able to return to New Orleans and lead the effort to distribute  goods and services to the New Orleans residents who desperately needed them.

 Imams in the Baton Rouge Masjid had to foresight to convert their masjid into a shelter for Katrina evacuees, the day BEFORE the hurricane hit. They maintained the shelter until all of its residents were placed in permanent housing.

Likewise, because  of  insurance  coverage,  they were able to purchase new residences in Baton Roupe, on acreage, that was an improvement over their New Orleans homes.  AND they were able to restore their original homes in New Orleans  too. 

These are  examples of responsible, accountable  leadership that lives up to, and  fulfills their duties and obligations, to provide for the well being of the  collective community.  And they did it by using community wide shura,  participatory democracy, and financial transparency as key parts of their methodology for managing their Muslim Community.  This is in accord with the Commands of Allah in the Quran Surah titled "Shura", and in accord with Imam W.D. Mohammed's blueprint for building his vision of a Model Muslim Community.

They also did it by respecting the ummah member's right to vote for, elect and ratify their Resident Imam.

Peace, Curtis Sharif
Houston , Texas

--- On Wed, 10/1/08, Raza Pasha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Raza Pasha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Eid Mubarak... Masjid Al-Islam.
To: "Raza Pasha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 2:59 PM


MCC wishes all of you and your families Eid Mubarak!

This has been a trying past few weeks for our community. As you may be aware, Hurricane Ike rendered Masjid of Al-Islam unusable. The storm fractured the back left side of the Masjid’s roof, causing structural damage that is beyond repair (http://public.fotki.com/ndepth/bellfortmasjid/ for pics). The Masjid did not have insurance and needs your help in building a new center. Although we were successful in raising funds for Masjid Al-Qur’an, we must reach a little deeper into our pockets to salvage one of Houston’s oldest Masjids by attending a fund-raiser to be held on Saturday October 4, 2008 at 7:30 at:
Turquoise Center
(Turkish American Cultural Center)
9301 W. Bellfort Avenue
Houston, Texas 77031
Admission will be a $100 donation and all donations will be used to build the new Masjid
If you or unable to attend the fund raiser feel free to mail your donation to:
Houston Masjid of Al-Islam
P.O. Box 14819
Houston, Texas 77221-4819

Masjid Al-Qur’an also suffered minor damage (ceiling and flooring) but alhumdulallah we are almost reconstructed. I will be sending out information when we will resume our classes. We have resumed Jum’ah at 1:30.



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