This is a country that has legalized prostitution and force women into 
prostitution if they want unemployment benefits, yet they are the only ones to 
call the virtual strip search of every passenger as it is, nonsense.


Full-body airport scanner "nonsense?"
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will not participate in EU proposals for airports to 
use full-body scanner security checks, which have raised privacy issues, its 
interior ministry said Friday.

"I can tell you in all clarity that we will not take part in this nonsense," a 
spokeswoman for the interior ministry told a regular news conference.

The executive European Commission proposed last month to add body scanners to a 
list of security measures that can be used at airports in the 27-country bloc.

EU lawmakers criticized the scanners in a resolution on Thursday, saying they 
were equivalent to "a virtual strip search" and raised serious human rights 
concerns. The lawmakers called for a detailed study of the technology before it 
is used.

The Commission says a number of EU states including the Netherlands already use 
body scanners and the EU executive wanted to harmonize conditions in which they 
can be operated.

The scanners do not exist at German airports and have sparked vivid criticism 
by politicians across the political spectrum.

(Reporting by Kerstin Gehmlich; Editing by Matthew Jones)

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