The indian media Shamelessly continues blaming Pakistan for the Mumbai blasts, 
concocting stories from their evil minds in an effort to malign Pakistan. I 
have been watching the news and developments closely from day one of the blasts 
and have observed the following: First of all in my opinion from what the 
Indian Tv channels have showed (in their Live coverage) The blasts are not at 
all of the magnitude as they claim, they are making a "mountain out of a 
mole-hill" (something Indian channels are well known for).The Indian news 
channels have a history of depicting news in a "Bollywood story like fashion" 
with more speculation than facts. They (the news channels) have been showing 
the live footage of the damage from the blasts. They keep repeating the same 5 
to 6 clips of footage with sensational captions in a bid to stir up the public 
sentiments.The clips they have been repeatedly showing are those of a "broken 
chair"... "broken glass windows"...smoking windows... a flaming 
window.....people running about....people standing in windows....then they show 
commandos and policemen and then all the same footage is repeated, again and 
again and again.....A grenade blast does more damage than what the Indian 
channels have shown thusfar!They make up headlines like : "Terrorists had 
planned a 9/11 kind of attack but underestimated the strength of the 
building"9/11 saw two of the worlds tallest buildings crumble down to rubble, 
while the taj still stands in its grandeur, was attacked by grenades! Perhaps 
the Militants, who according to the Indian authorities, had in depth knowledge 
of the Hotel and all its passages, under-estimated the nature of the building. 
(maybe they thought the 105 year hotel was made of wood and paper) I do not, in 
any way belittle the tragedy, it is a great loss of innocent lives and i 
condemn this brutal act in the strongest possible words, but i find it amusing 
when they compare it to 9/11.  The reports were full of exagerration with 
headings like "Mumbai under seige"... "continous exchange of firing between the 
troops and the militants", and Mumbai under attack and so on, while the nonstop 
Live transmission showed hundreds of people standing near the hotels, firemen 
scaling up ladders to rescue people and fighting fires.The funniest part was 
(seen live on TV) when the sharp shooters had taken up their positions on the 
ground, lying behind some concrete slabs, when scores of people (civilians) 
were walking infront of them (did the civilians have a death wish?).It was so 
evident that the situation was much milder than it was being depicted. 
Secondly, the indian news channels stated such contradictory statements 
themselves (clearly proving that they themselves had no idea of what was going 
on) yet they kept on bashing Pakistan. They started off by saying that "the 
deccan mujahideen" were behind the attacks (Nobody ever heard of the deccan 
mujahideen before this incident), and that it had claimed responsibility of the 
blasts!!Then they claimed the Militants were linked with Al Qaeda!!Then they 
started saying the militants were from Pakistan! Suppose they were from 
Pakistan, the first question that arises to mind is Why were Militants from 
Pakistan demanding that Indian authorities release Indian mujahideens? 
according to the link with the news from The times of India: 
http://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/articleshow/ 3762100.cms? TOI_mostemailed  
It is noteworthy that the Indian news channels said that the situation was so 
bad that the police could not handle it, so the government had to call in the 
army, the ATS (anti terrorist sqaud), the navy, the BSF (border security force) 
and then the commandos!It is a well known fact that whenever the army (or 
commandos) of any country is called in to take charge of a situation the first 
thing they do is cordon off the area, not even the police (let alone the news 
reporters) are allowed anywhere nearby, but we saw that even the civilians were 
walking about freely, the press was covering the entire incident "LIVE". Then 
whenever there is a Hostage situation (anywhere in the world) It is natural 
that the captors make demands, (whatever their demands may be) give a deadline, 
and threaten to kill one person after every hour or so if their demands are not 
met and most importantly demand a safe passage out.But to the surprise of 
everyone, none of the above happened....The captors had hundreds of hostages 
but did not kill any (apart from the grenade attacks). Were they were waiting 
for the forces to kill them? Whenever (in a hostage situation) all the hostages 
are released, the forces usually fire tear gas, storm the building to either 
eliminate or capture the militants alive.But NO.... this also did not happen! 
One report suggests that even the Taj Hotel had been warned in advance about 
the attacks and that the management had made arrangements to scan everyone with 
metal dectectors but only in the front entrance, whereas the militants entered 
the hotel building from its rear entrance, furthermore it says these Militants 
came from Karachi by boats and stayed in Mumbai for 10 days, took help from 
google earth to locate their targets, then travelled to the sites by taxi ! 
Another very interesting thing is that according to india's intelligence 
agency, R.A.W. ("Research and analysis Wing") on the 18th of November they had 
intercepted a call from which they received information about the plans to 
these attacks with the perpetrators coming from Karachi on boats and that they 
had passed on this very vital information to the Indian Navy, when they (the 
Indian Navy was busy with their naval excercises in the exact same area of the 
sea!!!!! How stupid do they think we are?? Isnt it obvious that all of this was 
a staged incident?Apparently by the BJP or the Shiv sena or any other party for 
that matter, to discredit the present government in a bid to gain political 
mileage just before the municipal elections. The Killing of foreigners 
especially Americans, Britons and Israelis was mainly to gain International 
attention because when there are Israelis killed it is commonly believed that 
the attackers will be Muslims, then blame Pakistan... kill two birds with one 
stone! How convenient it is for India to blame Pakistan..... as always...... 
without any evidence! If it took 60 hours for India's entire forces to overcome 
10 or so militants, my advice to India is that they stop spending billions of 
dollars on thier defense, get rid of all their present forces and Hire 100 
Militants (from Pakistan) for their security!!! Nadeem Meer.


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