where is the ammunition's belt ??                where is the ammunition-case 
Do you remember the Rambo films ??
with Sylvester Stallone who was running and shooting
all those ugly and mean Vietnamese-Communists ??
Did you notice that Rambo never had ammunition's for his guns
and yet he won all the battles ??
because he was sent by the CIA , as you recall
and CIA makes wonders....I say !!
Do you remember the very recent Mumbai "film " ??
Without any Rambo , this time , but with only 10 Terrorists.
Only 10 Terrorists attacked 8 different targets,simultaneously
and killed 193 persons and wounded 300 others.........
and resisted to a 650 strong police-force........
and not to forget that , they even have had time to assassinated
the Chief-Police-officer of, nobody less than, the Anti-Terror-Brigade.
What a film !!
Bollywood has surpassed Hollywood !!
And I bet you that those 10 Terrorists,
must have at least needed and carried with them
at least 2 tons of ammunitions
and 50 kilos of food and drinks for those three long 3 days
What a film !!...Rambo must be jealous by now !!
Eng. Moustafa   Roosenbloom
film-critic on the critical-details
December first 2008


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