Hate Crimes at UC Berkeley
Statement from the Arab-American and Muslim Community of the San Francisco Bay 
Area on Hate Crimes at UC Berkeley
On Thursday November 13th, 2008, three Palestinian students were attacked near 
a Zionist supremacist concert labeled "Israeli Liberation Week" at the 
University of California , Berkeley . Two young Palestinian-American women and 
one man, all students, entered a building near the event, and unfurled two 
Palestinian flags off of a balcony overlooking the concert. Shortly after they 
displayed the flags, members of the right-wing supremacist groups Tikvah and 
the Zionist Freedom Alliance (ZFA) entered the building, climbed the stairs to 
the second floor, isolated the Palestinian students on the balcony, and then 
proceeded to assault them. Witnesses identified the assailants as three members 
of the Zionist Freedom Alliance, including one current student, one alumnus, 
and one performer for the ZFA event.

During the attacks, anti-Arab racial epithets were used repeatedly. Despite 
numerous accounts indicating that the students were attacked by outside 
members, the police and administration treated the assaulted students as 
suspects. The incompetence of the UC Berkeley administration and severe 
mishandling of the situation by the police department further exacerbated the 
hate crime, which took place on the heels of the 60th anniversary of Zionism's 
displacement of the Palestinian people. Though it was the responsibility of the 
university to protect its students from hate crimes, protect the freedom of 
speech of its members, and to work diligently against an atmosphere of hate and 
supremacy, the university failed these tasks, and did not take precautions to 
protect the attacked students. Instead, in a statement to the campus community, 
it drew parity between the segregator and the segregated, the attackers and the 

Rather than counteract rising anti-Arab sentiment in the United States and on 
UC campuses, the administration has either exacerbated those sentiments or 
stood idly by, its role proving to be an abomination in this matter. It has 
taken no significant steps to protect the rest of the Arab and Palestinian 
student population, or to apprehend or restrain the attackers. Moreover, 
Palestinian students have been questioned as if they were suspects in the 
matter, and members of the administration have told them that they "should have 
known better" than to exercise their free speech rights by holding a flag. 
Worse, the Chancellor's letter to the campus community took five days to reach 
the student body, and it barely addressed the incidents, providing no support 
for the attacked students' rights to freely challenge hate speech, or to attend 
campus without fear of being victimized by hate crime, let alone their rights 
to be safe from physical attack on campus. The administration's failure to 
learn from decades of racist history is astounding, and yet these are the 
educators of the next generation.

The Palestinian people have just commemorated 60 years of forceful 
displacement.  In 1948 two-thirds of the indigenous population was forced out 
at gunpoint during the military occupation of Palestine and the subsequent 
establishment of the State of Israel.  Palestinians were denied reentry and 
labeled as an indigenous and demographic threat to the colonial and ethnic 
supremacist nature of the State of Israel.  Over 500 villages and towns were 
erased and many massacres were committed by the then Zionist militias of the 
Haganah and the Irgun and later the Israeli army.  In a speech given June 15, 
1969 former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Maier said, "There was no such thing 
as Palestinians, they never existed." Menahim Begin, another former prime 
minister said, "[The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs."  Israeli 
prime minister in 1988 Yitzhak Shamir said, "The Palestinians would be crushed 
like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." 
Unfortunately, as this incident shows, Zionist hatred and violence has followed 
Palestinians to wherever they live in the world.

Universities are supposed to be places of intellectual engagement; places where 
opposing opinions, views, rationalizations and justifications may be voiced 
without fear of censorship, intimidation, or threat of violence.  Cal 's most 
important marketing gimmick is its history of the free speech movement; it is 
the "free speech campus," after all.  It is the place where Mario Savio stood 
up and rallied students to empower themselves and one another by raising their 
voices in declaration of their right to express their views.  But let us 
remember that these events during Savio's time were the result of censorship by 
the administration, not a spontaneous enlightenment that drove students to 
begin suddenly expressing their opinions.  Today, it is the university's 
implicit support of war policies and tacit nod and wink to hate speech that is 
resulting in a climate of fear and intimidation.  The educational 
administrators of our youth seem to have internalized little from the free 
speech, anti-war and civil rights movements.  They think that appointing a 
token person of color for a clerk's position can hide racist policies that have 
led to a decline in the admission of students of color to the University, just 
as naming some stairs after Mario Savio succeeds in placating the oppressed 
into silence, allowing hate-based violence to be viewed as commonplace.

 We ask every responsible person in our community not to allow the defenders of 
apartheid in Israel , advocates for genocide and displacement, to drive fear 
into the hearts of our youth.  On behalf of the communities and organizations 
signing this letter, we commend the Palestinian students for their courage and 
call for:

  1.. The campus community to rise to this historical moment, at a time when 
the US elects an African-American president, racial attacks against Arabs and 
Palestinians should not continue or go unchallenged.  We urge all students to 
unite behind the statement: 
  2.. The Berkeley DA to act on witness reports and prosecute the attackers for 
hate crimes. 
  3.. The campus and Berkeley police to immediately apprehend the attackers and 
execute its responsibility to protect women, Arab and Palestinian students from 
hate attacks. 
  4.. Chancellor Robert Birgeneau and Vice Chancellor Harry LeGrande to issue 
an apology to the Arab community for not recognizing the attack as a hate crime 
rather than a dispute caused by differing opinions. 
  5.. The UC administration to execute immediate and swift corrective actions 
so that the university security forces handle advocacy for supremacist speech 
and defense of racial segregation by exile or other violent means as a 
potential threat to the community at large. 
Please FAX the chancellor or write per the address below to voice our 
collective demands.  Faxing is more effective than email.  

Please call the Berkeley District Attorney and ask for the office to 
investigate the racial attacks and press hate crime charges against the ZFA and 
Tikvah assailants.

Office of the Chancellor
200 California Hall # 1500
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1500
Phone (510) 642-7464
Fax (510) 643-5499
Berkeley District Attorney 
2120 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 
(510) 644-6683



SJP-Students for Justice in Palestine , UC Berkeley

Al-Awda, Palestine Right to Return Coalition 

American Muslims for Palestine

ANSWER-Act Now to Stop War and End Racism-Coalition  

Arab American Legal Services 

Arab American Union Members Council  

Arab Cultural and Community Center of San Francisco

Arab Resource and Organizing Center 

Break the Silence Mural Project 

General Union of Palestine Students, San Francisco 

NCA-National Council of Arab Americans 

Palestine Solidarity Group (PSG)-Chicago  

Palestine Youth Network

Palestinian American Women's Association (PAWA)

SJP-Students for Justice in Palestine-University of Illinois at Chicago  

Taller Tupac Amaru

The Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA)

Xinaxtli , La Mexa de UCB

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