"Whoever of you sees wrong being committed, let him
rectify it with his hand, if he is unable, then with his tongue, and if he is
unable, then with his heart, and this is the weakest of faith…” Prophet
Muhammad (saaw)
More than 380 Palestinians have been killed and
more than 1700 are injured in recent air strikes in Gaza and the numbers are
growing. The suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza is unimaginable and the UN
has declared Gaza to be a humanitarian crisis. Since most of us can’t pick up
arms against the Zionists, let’s all do something that we can do.  If we can’t 
be there to bring food,
medicines, and needed aid to the Palestinians, let’s hit the Zionists where it
hurts—Let’s BOYCOTT all Israeli
products now!!! Rather than have this boycott be a fad that comes and
goes, let’s make it a permanent, unswerving practice of resistance.Among other
products, I will never buy a coke, Pepsi, Nokia phone or eat at McDonalds
or drink a cup of coffee from Starbucks again!!! 

click the following link for a detailed listing of Israeli products and
companies supporting Israel:
of good conscience have chosen to boycott Israeli products and companies
supporting the Zionist entity. Their ethical purchasing decision however is
frustrated by the lack of accurate information as to which companies to

have carried out extensive research to identify the guilty companies. All our
findings are provided here. Where ever possible, we have included full
references for the source of our information so that you may independently
verify its accuracy and understand exactly how each company is contributing its
support to Israel. We thank all those organizations whose research we have
 AOL Time Warner  Apax  Partners & Co Ltd 
 Coca-Cola  Danone 
 Delta  Galil  Disney 
 Estée  Lauder  IBM 
 Johnson  & Johnson  Kimberly-Clark 
 Lewis  Trust Group Ltd  L'Oreal 
 Marks  & Spencer  Nestle 
 News  Corporation  Nokia 
 Revlon  Sara  Lee 
 Selfridges  The  Limited Inc 
 Home  Depot  Intel 
 Starbucks  Timberland 
 McDonald's  Arsenal FC 
The companies can also be viewed listed by their brands &  labels:
 View by Brand-  brands and labels to boycott  

shown above Pepsi Co., Coca-Cola, Mc Donald, Nestle, Johnson & Johnson, Mac 
Donald’s, Nokia,
etc. are big supporters of Israel.  
Statisticsof the Palestinian losses during 9/29/2000 to 7/31/2004 from Israeli 
attacks is
listed below. Keep in mind that since the time these statistics have been taken
the deaths and losses of Palestinians have been growing at a phenomenal rate:
of Palestinian children(below 18 years) killed: 643 
No. of killed females: 239 
Total No. of killed people: 3473
Total No. of wounded Palestinians: 41,424
No. of houses completely demolished: 6,757
No. of houses partially demolished: 59,107

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print this article in your Local magazines, newspapers, newsletter, etc.  
Forward this email to as many people as


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