Dear friends
The present civilization is griped by the Gaza invasion of the Israeli
Army along with the moral support of its Western allies and Arab
friends. Whatsoever the reasons behind it the objective is verily
understood, i.e. expanding its land. This is nothing new, world has
seen such notorious International terrorism on Afghanistan, Iraq,
Lebanon in recent past. UN does not function in these cases except
legalizing the act of terrorism as war against terrorism the biggest
mockery with the humanity in the history. Unfortunately all victims
happen to be Muslim. Perhaps because of the past consequences the Arab
nations feel safe to call them just by Arab rather than Muslim. Anyway
that's also not going to help them and they all are going to be
slaughtered one after another in future. Being a Muslim I like to see
the OIC sits at least once to save the lives of Muslim on earth.  
Asif, Bangladesh.   

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