I'm wondering... .
Why is President-elect Barack Obama suddenly so silent? He spoke out and acted 
swiftly regarding the financial crisis, then later the automakers' crisis.  Is 
it that this great humanitarian crisis, the genocide of Palestinians, does not 
qualify in his mind (and heart) as a great crisis?  Is bailing out the Wall 
Street financiers and car manufacturers more important than aiding the 
collective suffering of innocent men, women, and children?  Is speaking out 
against crimes that are committed against humanity less important?  I'm 
His silence makes him complicit with the execution of this vicious military 
campaign and the massacre of defenseless civilians in Gaza using US taxpayers' 
dollars.  Obama has surrounded himself with Israeli loyalists and has pledged 
his support for Israel.  His chosen vice president, Joe Biden, has openly 
claimed, "I am a Zionist (smiling). You don't have to be a Jew to be a 
Zionist." Unfortunately, he has surrounded himself with others like Biden who 
are pro-war and pro-Israel loyalists (Rahm, Clinton, Axelrod, etc...the list is 
long).  They have unrelenting support for Israeli causes, including and most 
likely the massacre in Gaza.  Obama has not picked one moderate or someone who 
is against war from amongst his fellow Congressmen/ women yet. This article, 
Barack Obama: “America’s First Jewish President”, by Professor James Petras 
addresses these facts. 
I'm also wondering...
Thinking back, I now reflect on what Biden said (and what he meant) when he 
made comments on the campaign trial.  Did he already know something back in 
October?  Could his comments be related to having prior knowledge of the 
current war in Gaza, which according to Ha'aertz was planned six months ago?  
Here are Biden's words: 
"Mark my words: It will not be six months before the world tests Barack 
Obama,"  "The world is looking. We're going to have an international crisis to 
test the mettle of this guy. I guarantee you it's gonna happen."
These are comments from a talk Biden gave to campaign contributors at Seattle's 
Sheraton Hotel on Oct. 19, 2008.  Here is more of what he said: 
"Barack is the right guy at the right moment for this job," ...... 
"Barack gets it...And I'll tell you why I'm telling you this: because we're 
going to find ourselves in real trouble when we get elected...We' re gonna have 
the largest systemic deficit in modern – not modern – in the history of the 
world...So there are going to be a lot of tough decisions Barack's gonna have 
to make, a lot of very tough decisions, including on foreign policy. And here's 
the point I want to make: mark my words. Mark my words. It will not be six 
months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The 
world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old president of the 
United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't 
remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, 
a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy...we're gonna need you to 
use your influence, your influence in the community, to stand with him. Because 
it's not gonna be apparent
 initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right. Because all these 
decisions, all these decisions, once they're made if they work, then they 
weren't viewed as a crisis. If they don't work, it's viewed as you didn't make 
the right decision, a little bit like how we hesitated so long dealing with 
Bosnia and with Kosovo, and as a consequence 200,000 people lost their lives 
that maybe didn't have to lose lives. It's how we made a mistake in Iraq. We 
made a mistake in Somalia. So there's gonna be some tough decisions.". ..
Considered a major gaffe on the campaign trail, Obama later called Biden's 
comments "rhetorical flourishes".  After watching the video, reading Obama's 
body language, and listening to his comments,  I wonder if he was being sincere 
then, and is only now being blindsided and speechless, or was he just being 
glibberish at the time?  Perhaps the culmination of this terrible war against 
the Palestinian civilians, who have been imprisoned and systematically 
assaulted within closed borders, is the international crisis that Biden and 
others knew about, but kept away from the presidential hopeful.  I 
wonder.  Regardless, one of the worst things is that the American government 
has supplied the Israeli military with the bombs that are be used to kill our 
Palestinian brothers and sisters.  These bombs are paid for using US taxpayer 
dollars, while most taxpaying folk are unaware, and our President-elect, who 
surely knows, has nothing to say publicly
 about it.    
OK, perhaps for the sake of rhetorical flourishing, Obama is waiting until he's 
inaugurated to speak out against Israeli crimes.  You know, once in office he 
will rise up and speak out against them, right?  Is this the politics of change 
he inspired millions to chant during the campaign?  Is it feasible for him to 
be "the change we need" while at the same pledging his allegiance to 
Israel?  But, I can't even wrap my brain around this rhetorical paradox.  I 
just can't.  Only ALLAH knows best and soon we will all know.
I maintain my faith in ALLAH, Most High, to bring about true justice, and will 
do what is in my power to advocate for it and fight against oppression. I pray 
for peace and purification of our hearts and submission to His will. I pray for 
the end of oppression and the killing of innocent people.  I pray for an end to 
lies and disinformation. I pray that the masses will wake up at accelerated 
rates.  I pray for the end of evil, misguided governments in the Western and 
Arab worlds and anywhere they may exist. I pray for an end to US/Israeli 
imperialism, expansionism, occupation, genocide and brutality waged and 
sponsored around the world.  I'm sad, furious, and sometimes feel 
helpless.  But, with the help of ALLAH, I will pray, work, boycott, and 
fight as best I can using the gifts I have been given guided by my love for 
ALLAH, truth, freedom, justice and understanding.  
What reason could you have for not fighting in the Way of Allah - for those 
men, women and children who are oppressed and say, 'Our Lord, take us out of 
this city whose inhabitants are wrongdoers! Give us a protector from You! Give 
us a helper from You!'? (Holy Qur'an, Surat an-NisAa': 75)
Sisterly regards,


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