As salaam a laiku wr wb
--- On Sat, 27/12/08, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Neocon Plans Exposed!
To: "eGroup For Muslims Around The World" <>
Date: Saturday, 27 December, 2008, 1:22 PM

Redrawing the map of the middle east:

http://www.globalre index.php? context=viewArti 
http://www.oilempir map.html

Neocon Plans for Pakistan Exposed!

This is the Neocons plan to disassemble Pakistan, give northern Pakistan to 
Afghanistan, Southwest Pakistan to the Balochs… all this in an effort to 
restrict Chinese access to energy and herd energy resources towards Israel, the 
Mediterranean and Europe. Whatever happinging in NWFP and Baluchistan is part 
of this BIG game!
Until the US disavows the Neocon plan to achieve "benevolent global hegemony" 
—the benevolence of which has already caused the deaths of maybe a million 
people— I don't see how anyone in their right mind can expect Pakistan or any 
of the other proposed PNAC victims to cooperate in their own destruction. But 
unfortunately in Pakistan, some ignorant, selfish traitors have decided to 
facilitate this plan!

Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and Pakistan
http://pakalert. files.wordpress. com/2008/ 12/project- for-the-new- american- 
century-pnac- and-pakistan. jpg

Neocon Peters' new map of the Middle East
http://pakalert. files.wordpress. com/2008/ 12/afjpeters_ map_after. jpg

Overall PNAC plan
http://pakalert. files.wordpress. com/2008/ 12/overall- pnac-plan. jpg

http://pakalert. wordpress. com/2008/ 12/22/neocon- plans-for- pakistan- 
Also See:
Separatist Billboards - http://pakalert. wordpress. com/2008/ 11/12/separatist 

The Great Game Continues - http://pakalert. wordpress. com/2008/ 11/11/the- 
great-game- continues/
The Plan To Topple Pakistan - http://pakalert. wordpress. com/2008/ 10/10/the- 
plan-to-topple- pakistan- military/
Pakistan's Balkanization - http://pakalert. wordpress. com/2008/ 
12/15/pakistan- balkanization/ 

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