least 30 people, including children, were killed in an Israeli air
strike on a United Nations-run school in the Gaza Strip, according to
Palestinian medical sources.

Palestinian families across Gaza have fled their homes for UN-run
schools and shelters, as Israel's military operation in Gaza reached
its 11th day.
        ity: hidden; text-align: center;" id="picGalleryNoScript_2">

            Israeli forces earlier refocused attacks in the Gaza Strip to 
include the southern town of Khan Younis.

                itants on 6 January 2009." id="picture_3" width="466" 

and Islamic Jihad said their fighters had engaged Israeli soldiers with
machine-guns and rockets in Gaza City, where residents reported loud
explosions and heavy gunfire.

            Plumes of smoke rose above the territory as Israeli infantry, 
supported by helicopters and tanks, clashed with Hamas militants.

            A tank....and a school !!

The Israeli-army bombs a school in Gaza
40 dead and 200 wounded !

Are you
 surprised ??
Is it the first time , ever ??
what else does, such an army ??
did you ever except anything better ??
or anything else from Israel.

I know a place in Qana (Lebanon)
where it was bombed twice
and in both times ,
it was called  "
 an error "

Should you ask me , I would say :
that the establishment of Israel
was an "error "
and ,more precisely,it was
 a crime !!

this is the link where the Israeli spokesman
calls it self defence (against a school  !! )
partly he says "the investigation is not over"
and partly ,
 he accuses the school of harbouring Hamas-fighters

Raja Chemayel


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