----- Original Message ----- 
From: Usman Khalid 
To:Subject: Behaind Mumbai Lies Kashmir

Behind Mumbai Lies Kashmir

By Eric Margolis 

The respected US strategic think tank, RAND Corp, estimated that a nuclear 
exchange between India and Pakistan would initially kill two million people, 
wound 100 million, and send clouds of radioactive dust around the globe. *The 
US and India were delighted. *India always claimed the Kashmir uprising was due 
to `cross-border terrorism' from Pakistan, though the revolt was a
genuine national uprising against Indian misrule.

Pakistanis were outraged by this double betrayal, calling Musharraf an American 
stooge. Now, President Asif Zardari's feeble new government is continuing the 
same policy under US pressure, to the anger and contempt of many Pakistanis. He 
is seen as being *even more subservient to Washington than his hated 
predecessor, Pervez Musharraf. Pakistan has two governments: civilian and 
military. The generals and ISI have never abandoned their goal of a 
Pakistani-dominated Afghanistan, or continuing the Kashmir jihad. Both are seen 
as 'vital national interests'. Pakistan's generals look with derision and 
distaste on Zardari, who is dogged by accusations of *gross corruption and 

Washington has rented 130,000 Pakistani soldiers to wage war against Pashtun 
tribesmen allied to Taliban on Pakistan's Northwest Frontier. The US pays their 
salaries and provides them with food and transport. These rented soldiers, or 
`sepoys,' as the British Raj used to call its native troops,detest their 
mission. The once proud Pakistani army has become a mercenary force. Now, in 
response to the deteriorating military situation in Afghanistan, the Pentagon 
is putting together a plan to send more divisions of its rented Pakistani Army 
to fight Taliban and other resistance forces in Afghanistan. Few Americans 
understand the growing radicalization ofPakistan caused by Washington forcing 
its rulers and soldiers to go against the sentiments and interests of the 

Instead, the US keeps listening to 'the westernized Pakistani elite', less than 
1% of the population, and left-leaning "experts", like Ahmad Rashid, who keep 
telling Washington what it wants to hear, rather than hard truths. The 
festering Kashmir conflict that pits nuclear armed India and Pakistan against 
each other lies behind the Mumbai massacre. Solving this dangerous business 
must be as high a priority for the great powers as ending murderous attacks on 
civilians. Endlessly repeating the mantra about "fighting terrorism" will not 
solve the dangerous conflicts in South Asia or the Mideast. ++


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