I urge people everywhere not to take the Indian Prime Ministers remarks 
Kindly remember Manmohan Singh is a SIKH.....(uske 12 baj jatay hain Pakistan 
ke naam se)That too a sikh who's loyalty lies with those who ordered the 
massacre at the golden temple.
And that 2 foot dwarf, parnab mukerjee... well he cant even take his own name 
when you ask him his name he says, mera nom pfranb mukerzi hoi!
These dumb asses are being ridden by American and Israelis!

To: islamc...@yahoogroups.comfrom: Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 20:12:34 -0800Subject: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] India - Pakistan Relation : Accusations Not Welcome

India - Pakistan Relation : Accusations Not Welcome 
AFP has reported from Delhi that India’s prime minister on Tuesday said the 
Mumbai attacks had the support of ‘some official agencies’ in Pakistan, and 
said Islamabad was using terrorism as an ‘instrument of state policy.’ Pakistan 
angrily rejected the allegations, accusing its nuclear-armed rival of embarking 
on a ‘propaganda offensive’ that was ‘fraught with grave risks.’Indian prime 
minister Manmohan Singh’s latest comments on the November 26-29 attacks, which 
killed 172 people including nine gunmen, were seen as the strongest yet 
directed at Pakistan.   ‘There is enough evidence to show that given the 
sophistication and military precision of the Mumbai attacks, it must have had 
the support of some official agencies in Pakistan,’ Singh told a conference in 
New Delhi. ‘Unfortunately, we cannot choose our neighbours, and some countries 
like Pakistan have in the past encouraged and given sanctuary to terrorists and 
other forces who are antagonistic to India.’ Speaking at a conference of chief 
ministers of Indian states on internal security, the prime minister also said 
that cross-border infiltrations from Pakistan in the disputed Kashmir region 
had not stopped.  ‘The governments in some of our neighbouring countries are 
very fragile in nature. The more fragile a government, the more it tends to act 
in an irresponsible fashion,’ Singh said.The prime minister said the Mumbai 
attacks were designed to strike India’s economic and security interests, and 
were ‘clearly carried out’ by the banned Pakistan-based outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba. 
  Westerners were particularly targeted during the attacks to ‘convey an 
impression that India was unsafe as a destination for the West and Western 
investments,’ Singh told the chief ministers. Pakistan’s foreign ministry 
issued a strong statement in response.‘The government of Pakistan emphatically 
rejects the unfortunate allegations levelled against Pakistan by the prime 
minister of India in New Delhi today,’ the statement said.‘Instead of 
responding positively to Pakistan’s offer of cooperation and constructive 
proposals, India has chosen to embark on a propaganda offensive. It will not 
only ratchet up tensions but occlude facts and destroy all prospects of serious 
and objective investigations. ‘Pakistan is a victim of terrorism... Pakistan is 
not a state sponsor of terrorism,’ it added.The latest row came a day after New 
Delhi said it had handed over evidence linking ‘elements in Pakistan’ to the 
Mumbai attackers.The government also said it was launching a major diplomatic 
offensive to maintain international pressure on Islamabad, which has so far 
rejected New Delhi’s demands to extradite a number of terrorist suspects.   
Islamabad confirmed that it had received the dossier, and the Pakistani prime 
minister, Yousuf Raza Gilani, again said he would take action if ‘credible 
evidence’ was provided. The material includes details of the interrogation of 
Mohammed Ajmal Amir Iman — also known as Mohammed Ajmal Kasab — who was the 
lone surviving gunman and who India says is a Pakistani national.It also 
details the militants’ communications with ‘elements’ in Pakistan during the 
attack, recovered weapons and other equipment, retrieved global positioning 
system data and satellite phones.   The Pakistan president, Asif Ali Zardari, 
had previously said that the gunmen who stormed India’s financial capital were 
‘non-state’ actors. 
We feel that such accusations by the Prime Minister of India is 
inappropriate.It is too much for him to accuse Pakistan of state terrorism.It 
is India, without any question , is carrying out state terrorism in Kshmir and 
about a hundred thousand Kashmiris have died in the process.Kashmir is the root 
cause of all tensions in the sub-continent and India did not want its solution 
except on its own terms.We urge India to realize that any blame game will not 
solve any problem.In fact, the long term solution of Indo- Pakistan problems  
lies in solving the root causes.


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