Gaza helps us to learn: Stand firm against Israeli oppression: Condemn Police 
Brutality in Oakland and New Orleans. Boycott the Jews! Khutba against 

      January 9: Dr. Siddique gave the Juma khutba in Central Baltimore, 
Maryland. Some of the main points of the khutba are given here:

Text:  "Do people think that they will be left alone on saying "We believe." 
and that they will not be tested?" [The Qur'an 29:2]

          "The believers, men and women, are protecting friends of each other: 
They command what is just and forbid what is evil: They establish prayer and 
practice regular charity, and they obey Allah and His messenger. On them will 
Allah pour His mercy: For Allah is exalted in Power, Wise." [The Qur'an 9:71.]

Prayer in Islam is a means towards doing good. It is not an end in itself. 
Belief must appear in action, otherwise it is fake. As Imam Bukhari put it: 
"Iman IS 'Amal." [Faith is Action.]

We must study the Qur'an and Hadith and make them our foundation.  Remember 
that our masjids must not become like churches where we keep praising God but 
do nothing to stop the evil rampant in our world.

We must be aware that the world is a small place and everything is 

Today the satanic forces of Zionist-corporate media are telling Americans that 
evil is good. The media condemn the Islamic resistance fighting for Palestine. 
The media praise and extol Jewish-Zionist crimes against humanity.

The American people are facing BRAINWASHING on a grand scale. They are being 
taught to love their masters and to hate the Islamic world.

A young Black man is shot dead by police ON CAMERA in Oakland, California, and 
demonstrators against the atrocity are arrested. Such police murders are also 
reported from New Orleans and just about all major cities in the USA over the 

Similarly, today we are taught that those who oppose Zionism and Imperialism 
are "fundamentalists" if they pray and have beards [or women with hijab], or 
are "extremists" if they oppose America through demonstrations and boycotts, or 
"terrorists" if they pick up arms to defend themselves and hit back.

Don't be brainwashed. Allah Almighty is testing us. Tell our children that the 
TV channels tell lies, the media are controlled by Jewish-Zionist groups.

Always remember the global struggle. Islam is winning everywhere. From the 
blood of the martyrs comes victory.

Iraq has brought 150,000 U.S. troops to a standstill. Obama is being brought in 
to find a way of extricating them from Iraq. They have been defeated.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban, according to latest reports indicate that the 
Taliban now control from 50% to 70% of Afghanistan. Obama will be used to try 
and save Kabul from the forces of Islam.

The Hamas mujahideen are very poorly armed and hemmed into a small area where 
every Israeli assault kills the women and children of Gaza. No civilian in Gaza 
is telling Hamas to surrender. EVERY CHILD is waiting for the day of revenge 
against the Jewish terrorist entity.

After we have prayed and fasted and wept, call the radio, the TV, the 
newspaper. Give the Islamic viewpoint. Use emailing, make posters, protest, 
rally, demonstrate! As Imam Jamil al-Amin has taught: "The extent to which you 
resist, is the extent to which you are free."
If we just sit and pray and do nothing, we are SLAVES, not Muslims.
Take care of our community: help homeless women, the political prisoners, the 
sick, the jobless, those in debt. Don't waste resources. Eat less, help the 

O Allah help the Muslims to unite on the basis of the Qur'an and the authentic 
Hadith. Help us, O Allah, to stand up to the kuffar, the munafiqueen, the 

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