Israel War Crimes In Gaza

            Gaza Carnage not shown on news channels.


            Warning: contains graphic footage of war injuries

            Israel admits troops may have used phosphorus shells in Gaza

            Amnesty warns Israel could be guilty of war crimes

            Peter Beaumont in Jerusalem

            Wednesday 21 January 2009

            Israel has admitted – after mounting pressure – that its troops may 
have used white phosphorus shells in contravention of international law, during 
its three-week offensive in the Gaza Strip.

            Read more:




            Phosphorus bombs in Gaza – the evidence

            Friday 16 January 2009

            On Tuesday 13 January Israeli forces attacked Khoza'a, a small 
rural community east of Khan Yunis in the south of the Gaza Strip. Missiles 
containing white phosphorus were deployed. Dr Ahmed Almi from the al-Nasser 
hospital in Khan Yunis describes serious injuries and chemical burns, with 
victims covered in a white powder that continues to burn long after initial 


            Warning: contains graphic footage of war injuries.

            An Israeli War Crimes Tribunal (ICTI)

            May be the Only Deterrent to a Global War

            Francis A. Boyle.

            The United Nations General Assembly must immediately establish an 
International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) as a "subsidiary organ" under 
U.N. Charter Article 22. The ICTI would be organized along the lines of the 
International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (ICTY), which was established by 
the Security Council.

            The purpose of the ICTI would be to investigate and prosecute 
Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of 
Lebanon and Palestine.

            The establishment of ICTI would provide some small degree of 
justice to the victims of Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity and 
genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine--just as the ICTY has 
done in the Balkans. Furthermore, the establishment of ICTI by the U.N. General 
Assembly would serve as a deterrent effect upon Israeli leaders such as Prime 
Minister Olmert, Foreign Minister Livni, Defense Minister Barak, Chief of Staff 
Ashkenazi and Israel's other top generals that they will be prosecuted for 
their further infliction of international crimes upon the Lebanese and the 

            Global Research, December 31, 2008


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