An Israeli Internet site detailing alleged war crimes

An Israeli human rights activists have set up an Internet site detailing 
alleged war crimes committed by senior government officials and Israel Defense 
Forces officers.

No known human rights organization is behind the site, whose founders refuse to 
give their names.

The site,, includes "arrest orders," complete with pictures 
and personal details, for Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Prime Minister Ehud 
Olmert,Livni, Deputy Defense Minister Matan
Vilnai, Public Security Minister Avi Dichter, National Infrastructure Minister 
Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi and his two 
predecessors, Dan Halutz and Moshe Ya'alon, former air force commander Eliezer 
Shkedy and others.

It also explains how to inform the International Criminal Court in The Hague of 
when the "suspects" are outside Israel, and hence vulnerable to arrest.

The "arrest order" for Barak, for instance, states: "On December 27, 2008, the 
suspect ordered an aerial assault on all of Gaza's population centers.

The assault included hundreds of sorties by fighter jets that dropped hundreds 
of tons of bombs on residential areas of Gaza, which led to the deaths of 1,200 
people - men, women and children.

Some 5,300 people were wounded and hundreds of thousands became refugees. On 
December 10, 2008, a formal complaint was filed against Ehud Barak to the 
International Criminal Court in The Hague,
Holland ... on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity because of 
the siege of Gaza."


Montage documenting the genocide committed by Isreal in "Operation Cast Lead". 

We Will Never Forget <>


The Hidden Truth In Gaza -

The "Pride" of the IDF -

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