B i s m i l l a a h i r R a h m a a n i r R a h e e m Assalaamu`Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatahu,
I have received tons of messages like yours stating "The Holy Quran will be burnt on next saturday." Islam is not a religion which accepts humiliation, and jihaad (in this case via email/internet) for the sake of Allaah Subhaanahu and His Holy Book is one of its main principles and one of the best of deeds in Islam. However, did all those who posted this email message like wild fire even stopped to ask themselves - which Saturday? which year? Please read the following excerpt. Quote: Danish Muslims Warn of Burning Qur’an in Planned Rally www.islamonline.net ^ | FEB04,2006 | By Ahmed Fathy Posted on Sunday, February 05, 2006 4:03:00 AM by bayouranger Danish Muslim leaders warned on Saturday, February 4, of grave consequences if copies of the Noble Qur’an were burnt in a rally planned by Danish extremists to protest Muslim anger over cartoons mocking Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). "All hell will break loose, if those extremists burn the Qur’an," Raed Halil, the head of the European Committee for Defending Prophet Muhammad, told IslamOnline.net over the phone from the Danish capital Copenhagen. Read the rest at: http://www.islamonline.net/English/News/2006-02/04/article04.shtml - unquote. and, "Verification" http://www.sunnahonline.com/ilm/istiqaamah/nov1996_d.htm Fee Amaanillaah, Your sister, K a r i m a DDN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: Zaras Kitchen To: eGroup For Muslims Around The World Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 8:51 PM Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] DO THE RIGHT THING show details 12:24 (1 hour ago) السبت القادم سوف يحرق القران The Holy Quran will be burnt on next saturday Carrefour refused to boycott Israeli/American/Denmark Products KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), McDonalds, Hardees, Burger King, Pizza Hut & Starbucks have decided to buy Denmark Products to save their losses. Boycott Denmark Products and Circulate this news to whoever you can Denmark wants to Burn the Holy Quran on next Saturday in the large grounds in Copenhagen (capital city of Denmark), in reply to the Islamic Boycott on their products. Please let's get together to boycott their products, and pray to Allah Almighty to show them the result of their intentions, which will be a lesson for the whole world. Forward this to as many friends as you can. السبت القادم سوف يحرق القران..... ادارة كارفورترفض المقاطعة وكنتاكي _ ماكدونالز _ هارديز _ برجركنج _ وبيتزا هت- وستار بوكس قرروا شراء المنتجات الدنمركية لتعويض خسائر الدنمارك قاطعوهم وانشر الخبر لان الدنمارك تريد حرق المصحف الشريف يوم السبت القادم في الساحة الكبرى في كوبنهاجن العاصمة كوبنهاجن ردآ على المقاطعة الإسلامية أرجوكم وحدوا الدعاء بأن يرسل الله عليهم آيه من آياته ليكونوا عبرة للعالمين (لاتدعها تقف عندك بل أرسلها لا تمسحها ولا تغلق الصفحة امانة فى ذمتك ستسئل عنها يوم القيامة لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله لاإله ألا انت سبحانك إنى كنت من الظالمين لم يدع بها مسلم فى شئ الا وقد استجاب الله له ......... الدعاء للراسل حتى ترد عليك الملائكة