That explains it all. You were on the US force so you will believe what they 
spoon fed you to believe. I remember the Bosnian war and I followed it closely 
to know better than you. As usual the western media ignored the massacre and 
rape of Bosnia until the Bosnians started defeating the Christian Serbs and 
were winning and only then Clinton went in so as to avoid Islamic government 
being set up in Bosnia. 

Your baba Clinton people exist in Iraq also and were rejoicing at the invasion 
and destruction of their country, so they exist everywhere. US and your special 
forces didn't bring any peace. All you did was stop the Bosnian Muslims, took 
their own land away from them and divided between them and their occupiers and 
to this day the Bosnians are also abused by the Serbs! yeah great job you did 

Re: Bosnia: Living example of West's Muslim-hatred 
Posted by: "Mahboob Khan" Mahboob Khan 
Sun Feb 8, 2009 5:21 pm (PST) 
Dear Author:


This account is mostly filled with highly inaccurate and biased information. US 
help--although late--was instrumental in bringing about peace in the Balkans.

Some Muslims lost their morality and like a crying baby clamoring always a 
victim attitude--a far cry from Islamic values. Allah dislikes ungrateful 
people like this author. Go and ask Bosnian or Kosovar about American help. 
Kosovars calls former President Clinton as "Baba Clinton" (Father Clinton). If 
this misinformed author goes to Kosovar and acts like a crying baby, he would 
not come out alive.

Stop sending this type of nonsense and wasting people's time. Burning of the 
mosque is deplorable but for that the Western people cannot be blamed. Many 
Arab governments like Saddam and Gaddafi supported Serbs during the crisis. 
Even Mubarak alerted America about Iranian shipment of arms to Bosnia. Only 
Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia helped Bosnia along with the US.

For two years, I was on the Bosnia Task Force in the US and therefore write 
this with some knowledge and evidence.

May Allah give Muslim Ummah wisdom and manners.



From: To: islamc...@yahoogroups.comdate: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 00:02:49 
-0600Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Bosnia: Living example of West's 

Bosnia-Hercegvina: Living example of West?????s Muslim-hatred
January 9, 2009 ???? 
On the day of Eid al-Adha, December 8, 2008, - a mosque in Fazlagicia Kula, a 
village near the town of Gacko, was set on fire and burned to ground. The 
incident reminds the Muslim Bosnian of their genocide during invasion of 
Muslim-majority Bosnia-Hercegvina by Christian Serbs and Croats in 1992-95. 
During that period more than 276 mosques were destroyed; over 176 Muslim 
scholars (mostly mosque imams) were killed - in addition to over 200,000 Muslim 
butchered; over 60,000 Muslim teenage girls and women raped and over two 
million Muslims were forced out of their homes to take refuge in neighbouring 
The western countries armed and supported Serb army and Croat army while put 
armed embargo against UN member Bosnia-Hercegvina - in case some Muslim country 
or Jihadi group tried to come to the rescue of Bosnian Muslims. NATO played its 
part of disarming band of Muslim fighters, who were protecting Muslim-majority 
towns and villages. The inhabitants were then herded into so-called ?????Safe 
Heaven????? that became slaughterhouses - the most notorious one being 
Srebrenica massacre in July 1995 - when more than 8,000 Muslim men, women and 
boys were butchered in cold blood. The world only knew about this western racim 
and hatred toward Muslims only when tens of thousands of women and young girls 
straggled into Tuzla after walking for tens of miles across mountain passes. 
The mass-murderer Radovan Karadzic was captured last July while living in 
disguise in Belgrade. However, the other war-criminal General Ratko Mladic is 
still at large and is believed to be protected by Serbian Army.
The western UN peacekeepers were no exception to Muslim-hatred and racism. 
General Lewis MacKenzie, Canadian head of UN peacekeeping force in 
Bosnia-Hercegvina was charged for sexually molesting four Muslim women held by 
Serbian forces in a prison camp in a Sarajevo suburb.
Western press painted Bosnian president Alija Izetbegovic (d. 2003) as 
?????Islamic fundamentalist?????, whose aim is to establish an Islamic state 
within Europe and Iran?????s radical Islamic government contributed US$500,000 
towards his presidency campaign and later supplied US$300-500 million worth of 
arms to Muslim-dominated government - shipped via Croatia.
Everything was going okey for the western world as long as the Serbs were 
capturing more and more Muslim territory - but when Bosnian forces started 
pushing them back - the West played it US card - and in late 1995, US president 
Bill Clinton dispatched some 20,000 US troops to Bosnia to stop Bosnian 
recovering their lost territory while capturing some Serbian towns and 
villages. Then came the Dayton Agreement (sponsored by Clinton administration), 
which in fact destroyed Bosnian Muslim people ever having an independent 
country of their own.
The current Republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina is a federation of three autonomous 
regions - Bosniak (34%), Serb (48%), and Croats (18%). Bosnia has a rotating 
presidency. While Bosnians are still the largest community in the federation - 
they continue to suffer attacks from fellow Christian Serbs and Croats. Bosnian 
Muslims follow Sufi school (85% Sunni and 15% Shias). The ?????Iranian 
experts????? and ?????Mujahideen????? has long left the country but Iranian 
embassy still keeps the largest staff among IOC countries and is involved in 
several reconstruction projects.
Servians hatred of Islam goes beyond the Battle of Kossova. Unlike most of 
Balkan Muslim communities - ?????Bosnian Muslims are not Turkic but natives 
belonging to a heretical Christian sect, called Bogomiles who from the 13th 
century had been exposed to the persecution of the Roman Catholics and against 
whom Popes (Honorius III in 1221, GregoryIX in 1238, Innocent IV in 1246, and 
Benedict XII in 1337) had on several occasions preached a Crusade. In 1325, 
Pope John XXII wrote a letter to King Stephen of Bosnia to exterminate his 
subjects belonging to the Bogomile community.
In the 15th century - the sufferings of Bogomiles became so intolerable that 
their priests appealed to the Muslim Turks, whose religion they found much 
closer to their beliefs than the Church - to deliver them from their unhappy 
conditions. So when Sultan Muhammad II invaded Bosnia in 1463 - the Catholic 
king found himself deserted by his subjects,????? - Professor T.W. Arnold in 
book ?????The Preaching of Islam?????, p.198.
After the conquest, most Bogomiles embraced Islam in large numbers willingly, 
knowing the fate of the little Muslim community of local converts that was 
rooted out of Hungary about a century ago. However, they did know that over 350 
years later (1703) on the orders of Bishop Daniel Petrovich, the Montenegrin 
Muslims, who refused to forswear Islam and embrace Christianity - were 
massacred on Christmas Eve, in cold blood (E.I. Clark quoted by T.W. Arnold in 
his book).
Bosnian nobility rapidly rose into high favour under Ottoman rule - so much so 
that between the years 1544 and 1611 nine persons of Bosnian origin became the 
Grand Vizier (prime minister).

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